19(part 1)

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." 


A fourteen year old Jay lay on his bed quietly as he starred up at the ceiling, he could still see the faint outlines of where the glow in the dark stars once were, he could also see the little pieces of white left on the fan from the stickers he had stuck on there as a kid for no real reason at all. There was this time where stickers were really popular so he did everything he could to get them, Jay didn't have any friends in school so he didn't do it to please anyone but himself. That's something he liked about himself, he never had to really do too much for other people. The only people he cared about where his family and that's the way he wanted to keep it. He was still wearing baggy jeans, white sneakers and black and white sweater from school while he had left his bag carelessly on the other side of the room where he had thrown it when he walked in. As soon as he walked in from school he threw himself on his bed so that's where he was now, laying in the comfort of his bed after a horrible day. 

"How was your first day of high school?" He heard a familiar voice ask from the right of him, Jay tilted his head and stared at his uncle who was stood at the door frame leaning against it with his arms crossed and his feet placed in a weird position where one was across the other. 

"Shit" Jay replied causing Curtis to laugh gently and walk into his room reminding Jay that at some point he needed to get a lock on his door because he couldn't have people just walk in whenever they felt like it. He needed his privacy, his own space, a time to be left the fuck alone.  

"Tell me about it" Curtis sat himself down at the chair across from Jay's bed with his hands in his lap as he leaned forward. Jay sat up and held himself in position with his arms behind him holding his weight and his legs stretched out on the bed as he looked over at his uncle who looked back with an attentive expression. 

"First lesson was chemistry, the stupid teachers had already assigned  lab parters and mine- Annabell Griffin or whatever her name is- doesn't even show up. Not that I wanted her but it mean that I had to be put with some kid who doesn't know the difference between Oxygen and a Carboxylic acid. Then in Math the teacher accused me of copying someone's work. Worst of all people kept trying to talk to me, if I wanted to talk to them I would. I didn't, ergo I didn't want to talk to them. Stupid fuckers" Jay explained as he rolled his eyes and lay back in his bed to get comfortable. He didn't feel like doing anything, his teachers had already given him homework but he didn't plan on doing it any time soon, he didn't plan on doing anything. 

"You're just going to have to suck it up and keep going, you need to get you're diploma. You have a lot of potential, especially in English, you've always been good in that subject." Curtis stood up and wiped his hands along his pants before looking down at Jay who had closed his eyes thinking f a way to get out of high school, 

"Can't I do home schooling, that way I don't need to be around people I don't like. " Jay spoke angrily as if their very existence irked him. He couldn't stand to be around people, especially at this age. Between the ages of thirteen and seventeen he wouldn't even say hello unless it was compulsory, he wouldn't say sorry or please or thank you. He just ignored everyone and got on with his own thing, that way he didn't get involved in any petty arguments, silly rivalries, uncalled-for niceness or being anyone's friend. He couldn't stand the word friend, In all of his lifetime Jay could never remember someone he called a friend my true definition. He had peers and people he knew to a certain level. He had Raymond but that was about it until he met Beyonce. Things got better then.   

"No you can't, just go to school, make some friends, pass the GED and all that shit. Simple, don't kill anyone at school though because you might get caught. Be good-ish" Curtis advised but Jay couldn't see it, he couldn't see how he was going to survive high school at all. There was no chance in hell he was going to be able to. 

"Ugh, I'll go but I can't promise anything" He gave in as he sat back up in his bed and looked around his room until his eyes landed on his bag then flew back onto his uncle who was now standing at the door again. 

"Come and get your food before it gets cold, remember to chew because when you're hungry you don't and then you start chocking and it scares me. I don't know what I'd do if you died" Curtis laughed hard as he walked away causing Jay to laugh as well as he got up off his bed and began walking out of his room. Chew the food Jay, Chew the food. He told himself. 



I sat up. The sheets we were laying on had crumpled in all different directions while we both lay snuggled on the ground close together until I moved her body of mine and sat looking into the darkness of the room. I missed him, I missed him more than I thought I would. I don't miss the terrible man who raped and beat and kidnapped my girlfriend, I don't miss the man who killed people and hurt people. I miss my uncle. My miss my Uncle Curtis. I couldn't help it, no matter how hard I tried to hate him I just couldn't do it because he had done so much for me, so much that meant so much to me and there was nothing I could do about that. Somehow I loved him. And now he was gone. For good. I didn't get to say goodbye and the last time I saw him was when he was aressted, we didn't leave things on a very good note did we? I wish things didn't turn out the way they had, but I can't change it now. I can't do anything. He was someone I loved so much, my dad was someone I loved so much. They both left me in the dark. How could I possibly love anyone else after that, after being neglected by the very two people who meant so much to me. 

I looked down at her, her hair was in her face as she lay on her chest with her face looking toward where I was laying and her hands up by her head. She was so innocent when she was asleep, so sweet. I love her, I'm scared she'll leave me the way they did. I'm scared I'm not good enough for her. 

She moved slightly and moaned a little, she always did that when she realised I had moved but here she was, doing it now. This was her way of telling me to hold her again, to get right back to her and let her snuggled her face in my neck, let her breath me in, let her hold me tight. She clung on to me, afraid of ever being hurt by anyone ever again, knowing I was the only person who could ever protect her but in this moment I sat looking at her wondering if it was her next. Was she going to be next to leave me, maybe it was just a moment of doubt. Maybe it was just a rush of emotion because then she moved. She opened her eyes slowly. She turned her head to look up at me. And then. She smiled. A smiled so soft and breathtaking that the doubts in my mind were wiped away instantly and I knew I loved her again and she loved me. 

"Go back to sleep" She whispered as she raised her hands, the same hands I had analysed time after time, and placed one one the side of my face while the other took my hand in hers. She slowly let her thumb run circles on the palm of my hand and continued to smile up at me tiredly in the dark. 

"I don't want to go back to sleep" I told her, I really didn't. What was the point? My dreams will never live up to this, nothing In my imagination can be better than her. Nothing. 

"You need your sleep, C'mon" She pulled me down gently but this time instead of snuggling into me she let me snuggle into her. She rested my head on her chest and stroked my head softly while I wrapped my arms around her waist and breathed her in. This was it, a moment of comfort and love and care. This was different to any I had ever received, because  with all of her heart she loved me. She loved who I was, and I loved her back. She was willing to let me lay on her if I needed it the same way she would lay on my if she needed it, she would comfort me for as long as it took and she was afraid of me. She wasn't afraid of us. The comfort I had received before was about getting over it, moving on and sucking it up but she was giving me all I needed, although she didn't know anything was wrong. She didn't know that I wanted my Uncle, more than a lot of things I just wanted to see him one last time and it was killing me that I would never see him again. But still, she provided for me in a generous and heart felt way. "I'm sorry" She whispered to me. She knew. Sometimes she knew every single thought that ran through my mind. Other times she knew nothing at all. But this time she knew and she knew it all, but she didn't have a problem with it. 

And then

I began to cry.  



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