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Beyonce POV

I was awake before I opened my eyes, I could feel myself on a small soft bed with warm sheets over my body, the fabric running against my leg as I moved. I was laying on my side with my hands rested on the pillow, facing god knows what since I hadn't bothered to open my eyes yet but I could smell disinfectant and sanitizer and also hear a faint beeping noise with distant voices and wheels probably from some sort of trolley or buggy. I finally opened my eyes and looked ahead of me, the room was large and white with an open window on the wall that the head of the bed was resting on causing the curtains to move in the breeze, dancing elegantly the way I remember Solange dancing when we were young. I was alone in a hospital room, at least I now knew that It wasn't all a dream. I was actually out, in the outside world. I sat up in the bed and scratched my head slightly and noticed a door with a large window in it directly across from the bed; there were some sort of tubes in my arms and nose connecting me to things I don't think I've ever seen in my life. I looked up at what the tube in my arm was connected to and saw a bag filled with... Blood?

The door swung open on it's hinges and a tall woman came in wheeling a small metal trolley, she was wearing a light blue nurses uniform and had her black hair pulled into a tight bun. She looked very young and had extremely pale skin but bright lips and icy blue eyes. She was pretty but something about her was off, she didn't have that glow that wonderful people usually have. Instead she had gave off this feeling of mist and grey.

"What's all this?" I asked referring to all the tubes and Blood once she had bothered to look at me and walked over to the bed I was now sitting up in. I looked down and saw myself in the hospital robes that showed your ass and my hair fell into my eyes until I pushed it back looking up at her again.

"That's a nasal cannula" She pointed to the tube in my nose as she came beside me in the bed and checked one of the machines. "And that's all apparatus for blood transfusion" She finally smiled at me then picked up a small white cup with some pills in it. Her smile was forced and fake, maybe she was having a bad day. I'll never know but I guess that's the point, you never know what's going on in their life so you can't hold things like this against them. She could have lost a loved one today, or found out some horrible news and so she just wasn't in the mood to put up with her patients the way she usually would, so I didn't mind her forced, fake and slightly obnoxious smile.

"Blood transfusion?" I asked her confused, why did I need that? I thought I was perfectly fine. I never really felt too sick and the only time I had ever been sick was when Curtis first took me and his beatings made me throw up.

"I can't tell you much, I'm not your doctor or your nurse. I just hand out the pills and check the machines" She spoke with a dull and boring voice then handed me the small white cup and I looked down into it.

"What are they for?" she just chuckled at me, her laugh wasn't as warm as I had always expected a nurses laugh to be. I thought they were kind and honourable people, not people like this lady who clearly isn't very helpful at all, I tried to give her an excuse but she was beginning to get on my nerves.

"One Is morphine, one is iron" She smiled again but I didn't take the cup, I just stared at her confused as she thrust it forward at me along with a plastic cup of water. She continued to thrust them at me but I didn't want them.

"Why do I need them?" I didn't like how she didn't tell me much, I wasn't going to just take something if I didn't know what it was. Not because I didn't trust them but because I wanted to know what was going on, she hadn't told me anything and so I had no idea why I was in hospital or why I needed a Blood transfusion.

"Please just take them and save all of these questions for your doctor" She rolled her eyes and to stop this obviously pointless conversation I took the pills and water while the woman stood and watched me waiting for me to consume them. I didn't like her, I don't know why but there are just some people who you don't like and she is one of them. Luckily there people you do like, for example Jay who- Jay? I looked around the room hoping to suddenly see him appear but he wasn't there. I sat looking down at the tablets and placed them in my mouth slowly. I want Jay. Why isn't he here? I drank some water and then felt both tablets going down my throat uncomfortably. I handed the cups back to the nurse who sarcastically smiled at me before taking them and walking out of the room but before she left she spoke one more time.

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