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SOME TIME LATER... July 29th 2003

  Beyoncé  POV:

I looked in the mirror once more as Ty and my mom fixed up my make up a little bit. Gazing at the reflection of Jay who was sat behind me, our eyes met and I smiled at him lightly for a moment before blushing and shifting my eyes away. We've been together for over a year now and I honestly love him. He just gets me, you know? Jay-Z was the man I loved with every fibre of my being. Someone who's heart I could hold in my hand and never drop or damage because I cared about it too much. Someone who I trusted to be my bulletproof vest, protecting me from  physical, mental, literal and metaphorical bullets. All of the ones the world could possibly shoot at me. He was the reason my Sister began talking again, the reason life had been going so well lately because if it wasn't for him I would dead right now. My dad would be an alone alcoholic, my mother would have left to go live with my uncle with Solange and no one would really be happy at all. Maybe he'd bee dead because of a mix up with a gang. Maybe I saved him as much as he saved me. Either way I love him and nothing will come in the way of that. Not ever. 

"Bey, remember: If they ask about Curtis just say you don't want to talk about it" My dad walked into the hotel room and I nodded my head. My dad hadn't touched alcohol in almost two years now and although he and my mother were still having their problems the relationships within my family were much better now.  My album has been out for a month already, I've done countless interviews and performances and endorsement deals and Grammys and all these award shows and everything's Crazy! I remember my record label telling me I didn't have a single hit on my album, boy were they wrong. And in all of this time, all of these questions asked me all I've said about what happened during those horrible years is that I can't take them back but it's okay because they've only made me stronger. Of course they keep asking but what can I do about that? It's been a strange transition, going from my humble beginnings in Houston to the hotels and the cameras and the awards and the money. It's been a lot of take in but I've learned to be grateful for it all. I love singing, it's what I was born to do.  "Are y'all done? It's show time!" He yelled happily causing us all to chuckle as Jay walked over to me and licked his lips looking over what I was wearing, 

"You look amazing" He kissed my cheek and I blushed as I rested my hands on his chest and winked at him. He likes when I wink at him, it turns him on but shhhh my dad doesn't know anything about our activities when he's not around. 

"Don't I always?" I flicked my hair and he chuckled before I quickly pecked him on the lips and grinned at him. "I'll see you after the show" I told him, he nodded his head and smiled and I nodded at him too. Me and my dad then began walking toward the set while I was being introduced and In no time the doors were opening- I had been fitted with my mike and I looked perfect- and I was walking out on the set of the Ellen Degeneres show making my way over to the small couch for me to sit on with a smile plastered on my face. Yes I'm tired, Yes I've got to go to another three interviews after this one, Yes I've had barely any sleep but keep smiling and be grateful for the love. I hugged Ellen and sat down on the couch looking out into the audience. Oh Gosh. All those people, cheering loud and proud for me! Me? Damn.

"Beyoncé Knowles!" She yelled excited, I looked at her and smiled before looking back out into the roaring crowd. "Let me just start by saying I'm a huge fan" She rubbed her hands together and I chuckled a little with a big smile on my face, 

"Awwww thank you so much, You know, I'm actually a fan of your's" I nodded my head and she widened her eyes, "I watch your show with my mom and my little sister" I told her truthfully. Ellen was very funny and we did enjoy watching her, especially when Solange kept on calling her the white lady because she couldn't remember her name. She's walk into the room and ask if we were watching the white lady and my mom would roll her eyes at her. 

"Well that makes me very happy,   Beyoncé" I smiled again at her before she started talking, "Do you watch with your also very successful boyfriend by any chance?"  I turned bright red and tilted my head at her a little with squinted eyes. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" The audience erupted in laughter and I covered my face a little as I laughed. It was funny but a little annoying to be constantly asked about Jay but it's whatever. 

"Oh don't give me that, I know you and Mr Jay-Z got a thing" She laughed and I laughed too, "But tell me, what is it like going from a Prisoner to a star?" She leaned forward in her seat and I thought about her words. "You were Taken and held captive for years and now look at you. What does that feel like?" She asked. I sighed a little and thought about it all. 

"You know" I began "Um I sometimes still have to pinch myself, to make sure this isn't all a dream. I am so blessed and I know that the lord puts us all through things for a reason and If I had never been through that then I would not have met Jay, I would not have became the woman I am and I honestly am very appreciative of all the fans who support me and all the people who have helped me get to where I am. However, I do have a feeling that this is just the beginning" I smiled while the audience clapped and Ellen nodded her head in agreement. 

"I think you're going to be a legend" She replied. 

"Wow, thank you so much" She reached out for a hug and I hugged her before we continued with the Interview. 


  Beyoncé was born into a loving family in Houston Texas, she had a relatively sheltered and happy childhood until she was kidnapped. Then she spent Years in captivity, held in the home next to her own, every day she prayed and prayed for a miracle and that's when she met Shawn Carter. The man who saved her life if every possible way you could save a person... then she went home. To her family- of whom had developed some problems- to her house and delivered back to her dream. A dream that came true. She was right when she said she had a feeling this was only the beginning because it was, Dangerously in love was only the first of her 6 albums. It was only the beginning of her development as an artist who proved the world wrong again and again, constantly outdoing herself. This was the beginning of her family and this is where the book ends. She had been described as the female Michael Jackson, a Queen beyond comparison. The beginning of her career, for we know what is coming ahead but she doesn't. To us the rest of this story is history, to her it's all a dream she wants to make a reality. She just has to be patient and work hard...

-The END 

-So yes I am ending this book guys, I was going to keep it going but I really hit a wall with this book and I just couldn't think of anything. I couldn't write any of the chapters very well and nothing was coming out how I wanted it to. I know this is a shit ending and it's not a long chapter but it's the best I could do honestly. I just really needed to finish it so I can move on instead of making you guys wait even longer for a chapter that was probably going to be bullshit. I do apologise again for ending it like this but I had to.  Feel free to comment how you feel about the book and make sure to read my other books. Love you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. 

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