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Beyoncé  POV

I had managed to shove my body under the small bed and attempted to silence my breathing as I heard Curtis shouting at the cops downstairs. I'm not sure how many of them there are but I'm sure I hear more than one voice.  Shit. I can't get found, not yet, it will ruin everything. Jay will be put in jail, my family will be in trouble and there's nothing I can do about it. What are they doing here? 

Before all of this I would have ran right into the cops arms if the found me here and then hoped nothing bad would come of my family but now that I know both mine and Jays lives and loved ones are at risk I'm not willing to put that on the line. I trust Jay will get me out and he needs to be the one to do it, not cops. Not this early in the plan. I felt the point of my black pen stabbing at my thigh as it too had been thrown under the bed with my clothing scrunched up in a ball at the other end. I decided to tie up my hair to keep it out of my eyes and I pushed myself further against the wall in hopes it would hide me some more but I doubt it worked. 

"what are y'all doing here?!" I heard Curits yell angrily, they then said something but I couldn't hear them. I couldn't ever hear much of what happened outside of this room and I hated it. It made me completely oblivious and therefore vulnerable which is not a quality I liked to see in myself. However much of a quality it may be right now I promise to never be this person again. 

Jays POV

"we were called because we were given some information suggesting you, Mr Carter, have been involved in gangs, drugs and gun violence. We need to investigate you, we would like to start by searching your house for weapons."  The officer said as he looked down at my uncle and I. This was not my work, I know I've been trying to take him out but this here, this was not me.  I didn't like this officer at all, he looked at us as if we were dirt of his shoes. Typical white man, its because we're black. I can tell, it usually is. I remember being stopped in the car so they could search it, because I'm black. Now don't get me wrong I did have weed in the trunk and I could have been in a lot of trouble but I knew my rights so I got away with it, I got away from them and their damn dog. 99 problems but a Bitch ain't one. 

"do you have a warrant?"  Curtis asked the man as he stepped closer to him but I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back, you get to close and you get arrested for assaulting an officer. Bullshit.  Curtis is where I learned my rights from, how I got away with transporting drugs. Curtis grabbed my hand and pushed it off him as he walked off to the cabinet where he pulled out a gun. Typical Curtis, he is never Caught the way police want to catch him, he faces things and doesn't deny anything. If he has something to hand over he does, but he always has a way out. A loop hole or someone willing to pay bail if he needs it. I don't see anyway of him getting out of Kidnapping and rape.  

"there you go, a weapon. I own it, brought it in a legit store, I got a licence too" He spoke smugly and the officer grabbed the gun out of his hand and looked it over before handing it to another behind him. See there it was, the loop hole. The way out. He shot people with that gun, shot them dead but the police don't know that and the fact that he freely hands it to them throws them off, the fact that its full lets them believe it wasn't fired. His licence and legit ownership throws them off so much they don't know what to do. That's the way out. He always does it. 

"we're still searching your home. You two stay here with Officer Williams, Officer Hilton and I will start the search." As he spoke he pulled out a piece of paper and showed Curtis who rolled his eyes and sat back on the couch relaxed. So he managed to get out of one thing huh? But a house search, they're gonna find her. How can they not. It's impossible for them not to find her, they're going to search every room and as soon as they get to hers we're going to need to open the door and show them. They'll catch us, they'll catch me. I would love her to get out, I would but look at the circumstances. Curtis is going to blame me and I can tell, who else would rat on him other than me? And yet he's sitting there all relaxed and calm,  How can he be so relaxed? I looked at the officer as he began searching downstairs and Curtis discreetly fiddled with something in his large pocket.

TAKEN: From a Prisoner to a starWhere stories live. Discover now