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"I'm not a very good sleeper. But you know what? I'm willing to put in a few extra hours every day to get better. That's just the kind of hard worker I am."

   Beyoncé POV

I woke up the the sound of my dad banging on my bedroom door. The banging rang in my head as I attempted to sit up but failed due to the lack of energy and rest. I could hear him shouting something but was unable to make out the words, I rubbed my eyes trying to force them open and only when the sun had made it's way to my eyeballs did my fathers words make their way to my brain. 

"Beyoncé get up!" He yelled, I looked over at the clock and sighed. It was 5 in the morning which meant I went to sleep around 3 hours ago. I knew I had to be up early to go running in the morning with dad and Marco but I didn't realise how late I was working last night until solo went to bed. I was too focused to realise what the time was but now I'm gonna need to be working on only 3 hours of sleep for today. "Marco Is waiting downstairs" . Marco Borges was my new personal trainer. He was going to help me get back into shape and get fit again after being out of training for so long. I honestly didn't mind and it wasn't possible for any one to be any worse than my dad. When I was young and we had to run in the park I found myself wanting to stop and when I was very small I would tell him. Daddy can I stop now? I'm tired. Instead of smiling at me and nodding his head like any other parent would he gave me a glare as if to say, What? Stop? What does that mean? and then he would lean down to my height before telling me, Do you want to be able to control your breath when you sing? Do you want to be able to dance properly? Do you want to give it your all? I would nod my head to all of them and then he would stand up, Good, keep running And I kept running. After a while he didn't have to push me so hard because I would do it myself. I would want to stop but instead I would run harder and faster, I would feel the pain in my legs as they grew too weak to touch the ground but I kept forcing them on and I even felt the blood pour out of my blistered feet but kept them smacking against the floor until the shoes were worn out. That was how you had to do it, you get out what you put in. I put everything in and I got everything out of it. It wasn't new to me and I wasn't starting from the beginning, I was just picking up where I left off. Trying to fill in the gap.

By the time I had woken up properly and gotten out of the shower my father was sitting in my room with a smoothie in his hand waiting for me as usual. This had become the everyday thing since I had gotten back into my career, I would wake up, get a smoothie or a protein shake and start working out. Some days I had Marco and others I had Frank, he was trying to get my back into shape for dancing. Flexibility, core strength but also maintaining some more of elegance. It was all very complicated but I loved it. I didn't like not working on something, I hated to not be making music and dancing because it meant that I wasn't trying, I was throwing away years and years of hard work and I refuse to do that. I was gonna push myself as hard as possible. That's what I did every day and was going to keep doing. I knew how the days went with Marco like the back of my hand because they were almost identical to the workouts I did back in the day: We jogged to the park, stretched then ran.  We would change between Jogging and sprinting then stretching every so often (all the while singing one of my favourite songs. It was usually Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Prince, Stevie wonder and of course Michael Jackson).  When we were done with the running in the park we went to the gym and that was always the same too: legs, abs, ass then arms. We did spent quite a bit of time on the thighs and ass but that was my own doing- I loved to be a curvy woman. My Dad would feed me a fruit pot with a side or celery with my smoothie and before I knew it I had to go home. When we had a whole day like this we always left the Gym at 2pm after my stretches and having a little time in the jacuzzi.  We all knew the drill, even my mom had gotten used to it because at 2:30 there was always a meal waiting for me, well I wouldn't call it a proper meal but you get the idea. Since this silly diet nothing has really been a proper meal but I gotta look good for my videos. 

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