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3 Years 2 months later...

August 28th 2001

"Okay, so here on the tape we see her begin talking to the person in the car as if she knew them" The detective started looking at the TV then back to the camera. "We can't see the person but we assume they ask her if she wants a ride, here she obviously said no then goes to start walking again. They catch up to her and say something which makes her slightly concerned and she looked around her." The Detective continued before he looked down sadly then back up at the camera, "She then gets in the car and this is the last time any one has ever seen Miss Knowles in three years but we believe she isn't dead, but could be suffering so badly she wishes she was" His words were quiet and mellow. He was sad and confused as to what happened. "We have a message from her family" He said, the camera moved over to Tina and Matthew Knowles who were crying their hearts out while their second daughter Solange Knowles stood in front of them with her eyes closed as she faced the ground.

"We want to thank everyone for the support and their prayers, we hope to find our daughter soon and find out what happened to her and why. She was sweet and polite, she spoke when spoken to and didn't like too much attention. She would never get angry at anyone and no one really had a big problem with her, everybody has people who aren't there friends but no one wanted to hurt her. We can only hope for the best and if you can see this. Beyoncé we love you, we will not stop looking for you until you are found" Matthew said looking directly into the camera. The reporter then started speaking again,

"Moving words from the family, Police officers have been alerted off her disappearance in South america, the Caribbean and Europe. Every officer in America is carrying a picture of her and a lot of people are still looking for her, if you know anything at all please contact us." The reporter said and then the TV was turned off.

"Uncle, why did you show me this? I know about her, everyone does. She is all people have been talking about for 3 years" Shawn asked his uncle confused. Shawn had seen all the news reports, he went to high school with her and although they weren't friends she was in every school production so he had seen her around. She was in church choir since she was 10 and she was in the school choir singing all the time. She was a nice girl and in the neighbourhood everyone knew who everyone was. She lived next door to him and his uncle since he was 8, they weren't friends but they knew the others name.

" Shawn, how have the streets been to you?" Curtis said, Shawn's uncle had always been a rough man. When Shawn was little Curtis would give him his stuff to sell and Shawn would do it, Curtis had killed people and he was that man no one got on the wrong side of. Shawn wondered why he avoided the answer to the question but didn't bring it up because well, he is Curtis Carter. You don't want to get on the wrong side of him.

" They've been good, I get my money and do what I gotta do" Shawn said confused as to why his uncle would ask. Everything Shawn did to do with the streets always ran by his uncle first, It had always been like that. When Shawn first saw someone get shot, the man was shot by his uncle and that was the day he got his first gun; since then Curtis took care of every bad deed Shawn took part in to make sure he was never caught and got his money.

" Look your in college okay, so you need to move on to bigger things then shooting a man every now and then or selling my shit" Curtis leaned forward closer to Shawn and Shawn leaned in too.

" ayo man I ain't got nun planned, I'm just goin' wid my life right now. you got shit?" He asked intrigued into what his uncle was getting to. His entire life all her ever wanted to do was impress his Uncle but he could never get a second look.

"Oh I got sum, but you gone' have to get otta college for this shit" He said leaning back on the chair and licking his lips before smiling.

" That's fine by me, I didn't even wanna go" Shawn laughed, He really didn't want to go to college but he went to impress his uncle. School wasn't his thing and he hated the education system because he wasn't good with other people. He was smart and got the grades but people being around him just got on his nerves. His social skills were... well...hmmm... underdeveloped.

TAKEN: From a Prisoner to a starWhere stories live. Discover now