Chapter 6 = Painful Reunion

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??? POV

I've been in here for 3 days as they look for my sister. I'm now 21 years old and I haven't seen her in 10 years. I don't want her to see me like this. I was covered in blood. Some my own and some of others. My clothing torn. I wore a camouflage green tank top. My hair was down and matted to my head. At the top was a bright yellow and at the ends it turned to a lime green. I had dark forest green shorts with a black belt, and my white ears and tail were almost a black from not showering in a while. Usually I would have green katanas strapped onto my back but seeing that I'm in confinement for some stupid reason they are on the other side of the room in a chest. I hate being confined in a cell. And my sister being here would make it worse. I miss her and I want to see her here, but not here. Where they will take our powers. They haven't awakened in either of us yet but they should if she's in danger. She's not as strong as me. They can kill her. That's something I don't want!!!!

Suddenly the "cage" door opened and they threw in a small girl. She screamed in pain. I ran over to her aid. I gasped. It was her, my sister, they caught her!!!

"Turtle-Chan!!!!!! Are you okay?!?!?!" I said picking her up and putting her in my lap. Seeing that she was as tall as a 10 year old and I was 6 foot 2 so she fit in my lap well.

"Anna-Chan? Is that you?" She asked looking up. She gasped and hugged me.

"Oh My Irene, Anna-Chan!!!! Turtle-Chan has missed you!!!!"

"I missed you to Turtle-Chan!" I told her. I hugged her back. We both cried tears of joy.

"Hey, Turtle-Chan! Can you sing that song we used to sing together?" I asked her. She had an amazing voice. I didn't. I was strong, she wasn't. She was adorable, I wasn't. We were complete opposites, but somehow we get along pretty well.

"Of course!!" She said as she cleared her thy throat.

Turtle-Chan's POV

(Start song)

Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me? Bought a $100 dollar bottle of champagne like me?

Just to pour it down the drain like me?

Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me? Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?

Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me? Do people whisper 'bout you on the train like me? Saying that you shouldn't waste a pretty face like me?

And all the people say. You can't wake up, this is not a dream you're part of a machine, you are not a human being.

With your face made all made up livin on a screen. Low on self esteem. So you run on gasoline.

I think there's a fault in my code. These voices won't leave me alone.

Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold.

Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me? Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?

Do you call yourself a freaking hurricane like me? Pointing fingers cause you'll never take the blame like me?

And all the people say. You can't wake up, this is not a dream you're part of a machine. You are not a human being.

With your face all made up livin on a screen. Low on self esteem. So you run on gasoline.

I think there's a fault in my code. These voices won't leave me alone.

Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold.

(Song end)

"Wow. The runt can sing. Shocker" Anna-Chan and Turtle-Chan looked up to see the from the cafe with red hair. He opened the door and pulled Turtle-Chan up by her elbow. Turtle-Chan hissed in pain.

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