Chapter 1 = The Meeting

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3rd Person POV

She ran. The streets were bare and all the lights in the houses were off. It was early in the morning. Few people were outside. Taking morning jogs. Her hair flew behind her as she kept on running down the almost vacant sidewalk. Hot tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her pale face had quickly turned a tear stained pink. She turned a corner and heard a person yell.

"Celestia!!!!!!! Come back here!!!!" The girl looked up to automatically be tripped by a small husky pup. She started to fall and on her way down her eyes shut. Expecting impact. When her head hit the ground she was out like a light.

Aphmau's POV

It was early in the morning. The time when Aaron goes on his morning jog and I take Celestia on a walk. Speak of the devil Aaron was across the street waving at me. I waved back and at that moment a short girl turned the corner at a fast speed. Celestia bound towards Aaron. Tripping the poor girl in the process. My eyes widened as I saw the girl hit the ground. She was out cold.

"Aphmau!!!!!" Aaron yelled from across the street, holding my pup in his arms. He quickly ran to the girl on the ground. At that moment I snapped out of my shock and rushed to Aaron. He handed me Celestia and gently picked up the girl bridal style.

I got a clear shot of her face. Her face was a pink, probably from tears, her hair covered one of her eyes, speaking of hair, hers was light green/mint. It went down to about her ankles, surprisingly she had pure white cat ears and a tail and from the view I got she was as tall as the average 10 year old. That's when I noticed the gash on her head quickly gushing blood.

"Let's bring her to your house since it closer." Aaron said, I gave him a nod and we took off hurriedly back the way I came.

When we got to the house I opened the door wide and we laid her on the couch in the living room. Kawaii-Chan, hearing the commotion came downstairs and gasped.

"Go get the first aid kit!!" I said looking at her. She nodded and ran off. A couple minutes later Kawaii-Chan came back with the kit and we bandaged the girls head. She was covered in mud and blood from head to toe.

The girl started whimpering after a while. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Aphmau-Senpai? Want me to get some water?" Kawaii-Chan asked me looking at the now conscious girl.

"Yes please." I responded. She got up from her seat just below the girl's feet and a couple of seconds later we had the child drinking a glass of water.

"Thank you" she said so low I could barely hear her.

"What's your name?" I heard Aaron say. I gave him a death glare. Before I could scold him I heard the girl whisper,



When Turtle-Chan woke up she saw 3 people staring at her. 2 female and 1 male. After a short while and a glass of water the male asked Turtle-Chan her name. One of the females with the black hair gave him a death glare.

"Turtle-Chan" Turtle-Chan said quietly.

"Why were you outside alone?" Said the female with black hair.

"Turtle-Chan has been living alone for a long while and since Turtle-Chan doesn't have money she lived in the forest close by. Until 3 men in cloaks tried to take Turtle-Chan. Turtle-Chan ran for her life. Turtle-Chan didn't bring anything with her because she has nothing of value. Now Turtle-Chan is here." Turtle-Chan took in a small breath after explaining.

"Why doesn't Turtle-Chan stay with Kawaii-Chan and

Aphmau-Senpai?" Said the other female with black ears and tail and pink hair. (P.S. in this story Aphmau-Senpai, Kawaii-Chan, and Katelyn-Sama have a guest room in their house.)

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