Chapter Four

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I sighed bored. Guess who was stuck home with her three boring stupid babysitters? If you guessed me, then you won the grand prize. They weren’t even trying to be fun!

“I hate football!” I complained loudly and Hidan shot me a dirty look.

“Shut up and go away! This is the best part of the game!” he said and turned his head back to the TV. I groaned and stood up.

“Fine! In fact, I’m going to wander around the village alone. BY MYSELF, without ANY protection whatsoever!” I yelled and stomped outside. I wanted some candy! I walked down the roads of the village, but I stumbled across a man wearing a ski mask trying to raid the candy shop.

“Hey!” I called and the man looked over at me.

“What do you want kid?” he growled. I put my hands on my hips.

“I want you to give me that candy and to leave the shopkeeper alone!” I yelled confidently. The man smirked and turned to me.

“And if I don’t? What are you going to do? You’re just a kid.” He stated smugly and I felt something inside me snap. I appeared in front of him and cracked him right in the nose with my fist. He stumbled back and I took that time to take the candy he stole.

Since my hands were full at the moment and the man in the mask was charging toward me, I did all I could. I jumped up in the air and swiftly kicked him with a little twirl in the jaw. I gracefully landed on the ground and watched the guy sprawl across the floor, knocked out. I stepped over him and went into the shop. The shopkeeper was looking at me amazed while I just shrugged.

“He annoyed me.” I said simply. The shopkeeper bowed his head to me and I just waved it away. “It’s fine, now here. The guy had quite an odd taste for candy. It has artificial sweeteners.” I dumped to candy on the desk with a look of disgust and made my way down one of the isles. Lollipop’s, Tootsie Rolls, M&M’s… Oh! A Jawbreaker. I grabbed one of those and got myself a box of bright yellow Peeps. I went down the ice cream isle and got myself an extra-large cherry flavored Popsicle.

I went back to the shopkeeper and pulled out a wad of money, already knowing that I was about to pay at least twenty the amount owed. I put the money on the desk and smirked at the guy.

“I figure you would need this for the small repairs in this store.” I said and he looked at me confused.

“What repairs?” he asked and looked around in wonder. I pointed to the ceiling, to a corner that was a little moister than the rest of the walls and ceiling.

“Water will leek through in about a week, if I were you, I’d get onto that pretty quick.” He observed the spot for a minute before turning back with a nod.

“You are very observant of your surroundings; I would have never noticed that if it weren’t for you. I am very grateful.” He said. The shopkeeper was an old man, probably in his early sixties, and he had a long burly grey beard. On his badge it stated that his name was Tetsushi.

“Yeah, yeah… can I have a bag?” I muttered and tried to change the subject. The man chuckled and put my candy in the bag, handing it to me.

“You sure do have a sweet tooth.” He commented and I smiled.

“Yeah, so I’m told. I also have never gotten a cavity, and I was told that I never would. So why not?” he grinned at me.

“I like your way of thinking.” We both smiled at each other and I looked to the door.

“I probably got to go, I have a few errands to run.” He nodded.

“I understand. Please, stop by soon.” He waved and that caused me to wave back. I made my way to the door but before I left I called out,

“Will do!” I promised.

I went down the streets sucking on my Popsicle and trying to determine what to eat first; the Jawbreaker or the Peeps. I shrugged and just decided to choose later. I passed the Nara household and smiled. I haven’t seen Shikamaru in a few days. I walked to their door and knocked. Five seconds later I was greeted by Shikaku, Shikamaru’s dad.

“Why hello there Constantine.” He greeted and I nodded.

“Is Shikamaru home?” I asked with an excited look to my face. He chuckled but shook his head no.

“Nah, he’s on a mission, won’t be back ‘til Monday.” I frowned. Today was Friday, meaning he wouldn’t be home for three more days. I groaned. Who else could I play Shogi with?

“Okay, but you better send his lazy bum to my house when he gets home!” I warned and he smiled.

“I’ll make sure to.” With that, we said our goodbyes and he shut the door. What could I do now? I thought while walking off their porch and back on the road. Naruto, Shikamaru, and both of my parents were gone on a mission and won’t be back for a while. Then I smirked.

I knew exactly what to do today.

“Tsunade-Sama, Constantine Hatake is requesting to see you.” A guard called through the door. I heard a soft groan and some shuffling.

“What are you waiting for?! Send her in!” Tsunade demanded and I laughed, opening the door. She was sitting behind her desk combing her hair with her fingers and she was sipping on a cup of water.

“Hello Tsu-sama.” I waved and she smiled.

“Hello darling, what brings you here? Your granny is a busy woman.” Tsunade took the job of being my grandma, and I didn’t mind one bit, although she would fit better as an aunt.

“I want to go to the Ninja Academy and become a genin.” I told her and she turned serious.

“You want to become a Shinobi? Already?” she asked and I nodded.

“Although I am young, my appearance looks like somebody who should already be out of the Academy. I want to become a Shinobi.” I studied her facial expression as she slowly started to smile.

“I am so proud of you. I grant you permission to join the Academy. In fact, I’ll put you in the class that looks your age, but we are well into the year, they only have a month left until they graduate. Do you think you can handle it?” I looked up to her with determination.

“Of course I can, I am as smart as Shikamaru Nara and I have the potential to be as strong as my mom. But I understand that you make the teams?” she narrowed her eyes.

“Maybe… why?” I smirked.

“I want to be on the hardest team.” She grinned.

“That is, if you pass.”

“Which I will~!” I sang and we both laughed.

I hope being a ninja will lower my boredom level, at least a little bit.

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