Chapter Fourteen

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OMG crazy stuff happens!!!! 

Fighting, Werewolves, Dying, and a man named Pablo!- read on to get what I mean!! :)


Chapter Fourteen

“Finally you’re back; I went downstairs and stole a bottle of blood while you were gone.” Sasuke held up a half empty bottle of blood and I glared at him.

“You could have been caught, don’t do that again.” I said and he rolled his eyes at me. I looked out the window and paused, my eyes landing on an animal that looked like a large bear, but different. It was white with a black stripe running along its spine. When it saw that I was looking at it, it howled loudly and ran off into the woods.


“I knew nobody was in the house.” I shook my head; it must have been my imagination. Sasuke seemed to not of heard the howl, and his ears were most likely as sensitive as mine. I turned back to Sasuke, giving him my full attention.

“You wouldn’t have known if my mom was in the house. Consider yourself lucky.” He shrugged and slumped on my bed. I nodded to the books and picked up one.

“Did you read them?” I asked and he nodded.

“Yeah, but honestly I didn’t learn much, just that the O type of blood tastes best.” I frowned at him and shook my head.

“You would.” I mumbled and then he suddenly grabbed my hand.

“Can I?” he asked and motioned to a vein. I shook my head no and pulled away.

“No, remember this morning? It seems I lost the human in me.” He opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it a second later, furrowing his eyebrows.

“I thought there was something off about you.” He mumbled and I nodded.

“Well, I’m starving. I’m going to go get something from downstairs.” He seemed to pout but didn’t try to stop me.

I made my way downstairs and my eye twitched as I noticed everyone watching me closely- especially my mom. But I paid no mind to it and fetched myself two bottles of blood.

“Uh, don’t you think that’s a bit much, un?” Deidara finally spoke after I finished off the first bottle, moving on the second. I moved the bottle away from my lips and frowned.

“Am I not allowed to eat until I’m satisfied?” I asked in return and he put his head down, unable to answer me. “Thought so.” I started drinking the blood again until it was snatched from me. I growled an animalistic growl but stopped when I saw that it was only my mom.

“You’ve had enough. Now that you’re a full-fledged vampire, you’re obviously going to want to drink more. But sadly, we can’t get everything we want.” She said with no emotion and I bowed my head down, swallowed by my own shame. I should have known that it was just my new vampire instinct to want blood and I should have been able to surpass the urge.

“Hey.” Mom finally says and put a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to look up at her. “Don’t beat yourself up about it. You didn’t know.” I got out of her grip and walked to the door, pausing to say,

“I’m going out.” Mom frowned but nodded.

“Be back by seven.” I scoffed, but reluctantly nodded. It was already five.

I used my vampire speed to quickly find Shikamaru and when I did, I jumped on his back from behind.

“Shiiikamarrrrru-kuuuun!!” I sung and heard him chuckle. He put his arms around my legs and held on so I wouldn’t fall. I rested my chin on his shoulder and sighed, inhaling his scent.

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