Its Over for Me- ch. 16

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    Why?  Why's has all o this happened to me?  I sob,  back in my chair.  I cry and cry and cry.  My face is soaking,  I can't breath.  I just want to die.  I am useless to the world,  I have no propose!  Why am I here.  Why am I alive?
  Matthew shoves food into my face.  He puts the drink down my head.  He stomps on my feet,  he punches me and kicks me.  He may as well shoot me with a gun. 
  "Shut up!" He spits at me. I sob more,  just thinking: kill me,  kill me already,  please!  I don't want to suffer anymore.  I don't know why but I start singing in my head then I start to sing aloud.
  "King of my so-u-oul,  oh oh ooh woah oh!  Oh ooh woah.  King of my soul.  Lord  of my heart, King of my soul,  you are the one that I live for.  No other name,  no other throne,  it's you alone
God!  So let my life be undecided God!-"
  "What are you doing?  Stop that!"
  "King of my so-u-oul,  oh oh ooh woah oh!
King of my soul!"  I let my eyes close.  "You're a dick Matthew."  And I fall asleep. 
  "Aah!" I wake up screaming.  Matthew is squeezing my leg,  he's on top of me. My pants are off.  He has his other hand on my breast.  I yell and punch and kick and scream.  I stick my finger into his eyeball.  He screams and falls backwards off the chair. I kick him in he face.  I get up and put on my pants.  I am breathing deeply.  I just had sex with my mothers husband,  my father.
I am in shock, disgust, disappointment, and pain. I run to the room where I found the food last time. I lock the door and hide. I see more food, but I'm not hungry right now, I am going to save it for later. I still have the wallet from last time I was in here.  I never paid attention to the detail in this room.  Half The walls are tall dark wood.  The other top half is made of grey cement cinder blocks. The floor is made of grey cement.  The tables are like the ones some elementary teachers had in there room,  not that pretty. The shelf with the radio and bible is made of grey metal to match the top half of the wall.  The ceiling is really high,  and looks like it is made of the same stuff as the floor.  Once you walk in there are four desks in a line going to the back wall,  same thing to the right.  The big desks have two chairs each, both  facing the entrance door.  The very back has a three grey doors.  The broom closet,  the cat food closet,  and he exit door.  To the very left is the shelf with the radio and bible.  To the very right is just floor,  and the wall to the right is a thin desks with four computers,  old computers,  with dusty keyboards and dusty mouses.   I doubt they even work.

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