Chapter 4

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Gilbert's POV:
I found it pretty weird that Birdie had asked me to go downstairs, almost like he didn't want me to see his room, but didn't press him on the issue because I didn't want him to freak out again, I mean you guys never know.

I walked downstairs to sit on the couch, but decided against it when I saw all the books again. Around the fireplace were bookshelves, filled with hundreds of books. I noted that some were in French, one or two in Spanish, but most were English.

'I wonder who his parents are...he said he had a papa who was French and a dad, who they call Arthur, who was'

I continued to look around, until I came upon a photo frame with 5 different pictures sitting on a window sill, one of those that you could sit or place things on. The first pictures had 4 people in them, two of which I recognized as Alfred and birdie, and I figured out the other men must have been their papa and dad. The taller had blonde hair a little bit above his shoulders and purple eyes like birdie, while the shorter had shorter blonde hair and green eyes with the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen!

I'm guessing that the taller was their papa, he looked really French, and the shorter was Arthur.

The first had little versions of the twins running around a park, and Arthur trying to chase them. The next was maybe when the twins were 7, and this one was them baking with their papa. Although after that I started to notice the absence of one of the twins. In the final 3 pictures, all 3 looking to be when Alfred looked to be in middle school, not one was birdie in. One was even what looked to be planned as a full family photo!

"I'm sure you can guess that it's not only Alfred that forgets me.."

The soft voice of birdie said behind me, and I turned to see him standing by the stairs, looking at his feet. I walked closer to him, but he didn't move. I grabbed his hand, and pulled him to me, hugging him.

"I promise on all of my awesomeness that I won't forget you, that would be un-awesome of me"

I told him, and I felt him slightly smile against my shoulder.

We walked out of his house, and turned left down the sidewalk.

"Where are we going?"

Birdie asked, and I smiled at him.

"Well, we will first go to my house, and then get some lunch, after that you can pick what we do."

I told him, and he smiled.

"Are you sure I can pick?"

He asked and I nodded.

"Yep! 100% sure!"

As we walked I got a idea. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that birdie was looking straight ahead, not paying attention to me, so I lightly pushed him to the side. He stumbled for a second, and then glared playfully at me.

"That's not very nice Gil."

He told me and I shrugged.

"Are you going to do something about it?"

I challenged, and he looked straight ahead once again.

The moment I was looking in front of me as well, I felt a hard push to my arm, and I went crashing down on my side into the grass. Birdie giggled above me, and I blushed.

'This guy is just too cute!'

I thought, and Birdie started walking once again.

I stood up from he ground, and jogged to catch up with the blonde. We began to talk about anything we could think of, when I started talking about embarrassing moments from when my brother was a kid he laughed, and I smiled when he did, wanting to make him laugh even more.

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