Chapter 15

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Matthew's POV:

He nodded, giving me a nervous smile. I stared at him, confused as to why he was here, and wondering where in the world Gil was, as he promised to visit me.

"Gilbert is here, just waiting for me to leave."

Papa wiped his eye when a small tear fell free.

"I'm sorry mon petit enfant, all of are."

He apologized, setting a hand on my head, smoothing down my hair. More tears streamed from his eyes.

"We didn't know, but once you come back home to us, we are going to do better and help you the best we can."

He promised, lightly kissing my forehead. My eyes were wide, and I stared over at Matt, who was busy talking with his family. I look up at papa, his violet eyes that look so much like my own fill with tears. Mine do the same, and I let out a small sob, tightly wrapping my bandaged arms around him.

"Je t'aime papa."

I cry, and he returns the hug, petting my hair.

"Je t'aime Matthew, but I need to go, your father and Alfred are waiting for me at home."

I nod, letting go of him. He gives me a soft smile, reminding me that I won't be here forever, and leaves, Gilbert coming in only a moment later. My face forms a smile when I see him, and I run into his arms, he laughs when I do, spinning me around.

"I missed you too birdie."

He laughs, pulling away, but his face turns concerned.

"Were you crying? Did your papa do something?"

He asked, but I shook my head, giving him a smile.

"Non, I was just happy to see him I guess."

I gesture to the table I picked, not wanting to talk about my family anymore. His face turned serious when he sat down.

"Has anyone been mean to you?"

He asks, looking around the room at everyone. I shake my head.

"Non, actually, everyone is really nice."

I think back to Marianne.

"Well mostly everyone, but she doesn't like anyone...except for Isabel it seems."

I explain, slightly nodding to the two girls talking. Isabel was smiling with random hand gestures, and Marianne was just nodding along. Gilbert pretended to pop his neck so he could look at them without seeming obvious.

"What have you been up to Gil?"

He turned back to me, a smile on his lips.

"I skipped school yesterday...actually."

He had to stop because he started laughing.

"Not only did I skip, but Ludwig, Vash, Lili, Yao, Ivan, Natalia, Feli, Lovino, Toni, Roderich, Elizaveta, and Kiku did as well."

While he was busy laughing, I was shocked.


He suddenly grew serious, and the quick mood change scared me a bit.

"Feli planned it I think, he wanted to make me happy because I...didn't take you being here very well, and I got flashbacks to someone..."

He paused, sounding sad, voice cracking at 'someone.'

"Someone I knew in Germany that special and important to me."

He looked to be on the verge of tears, so I changed the subject quickly.

"What did you do yesterday?"

He gave me a soft smile, which made me feel a bit better.

"We went to stores and messed around, after that me and Toni blew up condoms with helium."

He chuckled, but I just stared at him.

"Da fuck?"

Suddenly, he stopped chuckling, face quickly turning to face me.

"You cursed!"

He exclaimed, and I raised a eyebrow.

"Yeah? What about it?"

I questioned.

"I thought you were a innocent little angel!"

I actually burst out laughing at that.

"Me? A innocent angel? That's cute, but I'm far from innocent."

I laughed, rolling my eyes. He crossed his arms playfully, looking away with a frown.

"There goes my fanfiction."

He smirked at me, and I blushed, looking away and covering my face with my hands.

"Are you kidding? You write fanfiction about me?"

I said, voice muffled by my hands. He laughed.

"Sorta, I've written one."

He emitted, I blushed deeper.

"What about?"

There was a small pause, a awkward cough came from Gil.

"Oh god please tell me you didn't write a sex scene with me in it."

"Fanfiction? Sex scenes? Yaoi? Whatcha talking about Matthew?"

Michelle smirked knowingly, sitting down next to me. She put her hand out for Gil, he took it.

"My name is Michelle, and I'm guessing you're Gilbert, Matthew has told us all about you!"

I peeked through my fingers, and saw Gilbert raising a eyebrow at me.

"Oh really?"

Michelle nodded.

"Yep! Me and my girlfriend ship it, to be honest though, I think everyone does."

She giggled, and I started sliding down in my chair blush growing even darker if that was possible.

"Really now?"

I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I think it would be cute."

I squeak in embarrassment and shock.

'Holy shit, Gilbert just-! He is-! My god!'

During my silent freak out, Camille joined us from talking with Noah and Ravis.

"Bonjour Michelle, Matthew."

She greeted, nodding to me, and sitting next to Michelle. She looked at Gilbert.

"You must be Gilbert, Matthew has told us a lot about you."

Gilbert laughed.

"So I heard, birdie is too cute huh?"

Michelle squealed, scaring me because of how loud it was.

"That's adorable! I ship it even more after this!"

She yelled, scanning the room.

"Vlad! Sava! Get over here!"

The two looked up from their game of checkers, Vlad smiling at the sight of Gilbert. He stood quickly, practically running over here, Sava not far after.

"Oh my god you're Gilbert right?"

Gil nodded with a smile.

"Matthew has gone on and on about you! It's so flipping adorable that you were the one to save him! I'm so glad you did as well, Matthew is so awesome and nice to all of us! We ship y'all together hardcore!"

Vlad said quickly, so fast I could barely understand. I sank farther into the chair, practically dying of embarrassment from the 4 of them sharing half the stuff I've said about Gil.

'God, when will this end?!'

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