Chapter 12

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Matthew's POV:
I walked into what looked to be the main room where everyone 'hangouts' I guess. It had multiple chairs, a few round tables, a tv, a wall of windows that showed a small outside area, and a door that lead to said outside area. Matt sat in one of the chairs, so I took the one next to him, looking around at all the people.

There are 4 girls and 6 boys, not including me, Matt, and Allen. The woman, who I guessed was the therapist, sat down in a chair, smiling at all of us.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hannah, and the reason I'm telling to guys this is we have a new person joining our group."

She gestured to me, and all eyes turned to me, making me a bit nervous.

"Could you introduce yourself? Then everyone else will do the same. Name, age, the reason you are here, and a interesting fact please."

I nod, looking down.

"My name is Matthew, I'm 15, I-I'm here for a suicide a few others I guess...and a fact would be...I'm Canadian."

Hannah smiled, thanking me, then turned to the girl on her right, singling her to introduce herself to me.

"Hey! My name is Michelle, I'm 14 and here for self harm, and a fact is that I have two pet fish!" (This is Seychelles)

" name is Camille, I'm 14 years of age as well, here for a gambling addiction and self harm, and a fact would be that I'm the top of my classes." (This is Monaco)

"Buna! I'm Vlad, you know, like Vlad the impaler? And I'm 15 as well! I'm here for, as the oameni prosti (stupid people) say, being a danger to society, and a fact is that I am a vampire no matter what these people tell you!" (This is Romania)

"Здравей, I'm Sava, and I'm 15, I'm here for beating someone up when they tried to attack Vlad, and a fact is that...I'm from Bulgaria." (This is Bulgaria)

"-sigh- bonjour, my name is Marianne, 17, I'm here for violent outbursts and a alcohol and smoking addiction, and a fact is that I don't want to be here and Je déteste tout le monde ici (I hate everyone here)." (This is 2p! Nyo! France)

"Hel-Hello, my name is Ravis an-and I'm 13, I'm here fo-for anxiety an-and self harm, an-and I have 2 brothers." (This is Latvia)

"эй, Nikolia is my name, I'm 14, and here for violent actions, a fact is don't touch my fucking sister or brother." (This is nyo! Belarus)

"Привіт, m-my name is Dmitri, an-and I'm 17, I'm here for a-a suicide attempt, and I-I'm the brother you really don't want to touch." (This is nyo! Ukraine)

"Hello I'm Evie! I'm 13 and here for a suicide attempt and self-harm, and a fact is that I'm from the country Sealand! Which is a country." (This is nyo! Sealand)

"Hallo, my name is Noah and I'm 13, I'm here for self-harm and a tad bit of anger, a fact is that I hit the target 9/10 times." (This is nyo! Liechtenstein)

"Aye! Hey Mattie! My name is Allen as you know and I'm 16! I'm here for anger and violent actions with my trusty bat! A fact is that I'm vegetarian." (This is 2p! America)

"...hello Matthew, my name is Matt and I'm 16 like my idiot brother, I'm here for anger and violent thoughts, and a fact is that I play hockey." (This is 2p! Canada)

I give them all a soft smile.

"It's nice to meet all of you."

Hetalia self-harm and depression (Canada) (PruCan) Where stories live. Discover now