Chapter 21

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~three days later, 3rd person POV~

Gilbert kept the trip plans from Matthew, wanting it to be a surprise for when he gets out. Finally, three days after they got permission to go, Matthew gets to come home.

Currently, Matthew is saying goodbye to everyone, Gilbert, Ludwig, and Feliciano waiting to take him home, where his family is holding a small party to welcome him back, which is where Gilbert will announce where they are going to Matthew.

Matthew's POV:
Michelle wipes the tears from her eyes, wrapping her arms around me once again. I smile, hugging her back.

"Come on Michelle, other people need to say goodbye."

Camille gently pulls her girlfriend away from me, Vlad takes her place, nearly crushing me.

"I'm going to miss you so much Mattie!"

He yells, some tears wetting my shirt. I pet his hair down, trying to get Sava's attention so he can get Vlad from blocking my airway any farther.

"Alright Vlad, that's enough, it's time to let Matthew go."

Vlad does so reluctantly, last, but definitely not least, is Matt. This time, I'm the one to wrap my arms around him. I notice Allan behind Matt, crying. I knew it wasn't for me though, as he was looking right at Matt, not me.

"I'm going to miss you, please tell me you will stay with me."

He chuckles.

"For as long as you'll want me."

We let go, I smile, eyes tearing up. His do as well, which shocks not only me, but multiple other people in the room.

"Go live your life Mattie, your family and friends are waiting."

I look back at Gilbert, Ludwig, and Feliciano. Feliciano waves, Ludwig is holding his hand with a small blush, and Gilbert is smiling brightly at me. I smile at them.

"Yeah...they are huh?"

With one last look at everyone, I turn and walk out with the three of them, Gilbert placing his arm around my shoulders.

"Lets go home Birdie."

With that, we walked outside, entering a new era of my life.

Gilbert's POV:
It was like Deja Vu. I sat in the back of the car with Birdie, Ludwig drove with Feliciano sitting in the passenger seat, talking away to Matthew about what he has missed. I stared at the boy next to me, who was smiling and answering every question Feli asked.

"Ready to go home Birdie?"

I ask him, and he turns, smiling at me. He nods, a small amount of happy tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm ready to see my family."

~2 hour time skip, Francis, Arthur, Matthew, and Alfred's house. Still Gilbert's POV~

A tap on my shoulder brings me from my conversation. Behind me, Francis and Arthur are smiling at me.

"It's time don't you think?"

I nod excitedly, running across the room, leaving Liz and Roderich to stare at me in confusion.

No one but Ludwig, Feli, Opa, Alfred, Francis, and Arthur knew about my plans.

I climb on a chair, smiling at the 20 or so people here to welcome Birdie back. With a large smile, I ready myself.

"I, the awesome Gilbert Beilschmidt, have an awesome announcement to make!"

I yell, making the room calm down. Lovino coughs, and I swear I can hear his say 'lies' in it. I laugh at him.

"In 4 days, I will be leaving for Germany!"

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