Chapter 11

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Gilbert's POV:
I look at the hospital as we drive away, worried for birdie.

'What if people over look him? What if people are mean?'


Ludwig asked, worry in his voice.


I didn't turn his way, continuing to stare out the window at the passing buildings.

"This might be a bad question, but why are you so worried about Matthew? You haven't known him very long."

I looked down, memories hitting me. I'm silent for a moment.

"...he reminds me of Edgar."

This time he was silent.

" so?"

I think for a moment.

"They are...both quiet and...had family lives that weren't very good."

I smile as I think of Edgar.

"They are both strong fighters and are kind and smart."

My smile disappears.

"I'm worried about Matthew because I don't want him to end up like Edgar."

Gilbert's POV:
I run up behind the long haired albino, jumping on him, making him let out a small scream.


I yell excitedly, hugging him tightly from behind. He relaxes a bit in my hug.

"Hello Gil."

He says quietly, looking up at me with a small smile as I give him a large one.

"How was your day?"

He asked, getting out of my hug and sitting down on the bench next to us. I sit next to him, facing him.

"It was awesome like me!"

He gives me another smile.

"I'm glad you're doing awesome."

I sensed depression in his voice. I scoot a little closer to him, placing a hand on his thigh.

"Are you ok Ed?"

I asked in worry, and he gave a unconvincing smile and nod.

"O-Of course Gil!"

I could tell he was lying, especially since he was giving me such a large smile, which he never did.


I said seriously, and his face turned a bit worried.


I took his hand.

"Edgar, are you planning something?"

Edgar had a history with depression and self harm, so I was more than worried for my boyfriend.

Yes, we are dating.

He shakes his head, and my eyes narrow, deciding to lift up his sleeves, pointing to the many lines covering his arm.

"Please don't do this Edgar, I know it's hard and I don't have complete power over it."

Hetalia self-harm and depression (Canada) (PruCan) Where stories live. Discover now