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Zayns p.o.v:

"No Naughty boy, I don't want to do this" I threw the papers back to him, "you have to, the publication needs to have more attention on you so your going to do it rather you like it or not" he gave me back the paper's and pen.

There is no way I'm going to adopt a drooling brat just for the publishers and my fans to focus on me, my single 'PILLOW TALK' has gone viral and I need to do something else then just talk about sex.
But that's what I like to do. I don't plan on taking care of a crying kid, I would like to have a child but that will be when I'm ready not now, I just got into a relationship with Gigi.

I sigh and signed the papers "I'm only doing this for two years?" He shook his head "nope sixteen" my jaw dropped "no I don't want to do this for that damn long" "well too bad you signed the contract, now act like an adult and stop being a kid" he argued, I rolled my eyes and followed him to the limo.

"You'll get to choose what you'll like and then we'll deal on how your going to raise it" he said looking at the window then looked at his phone.
I did the same and notice one thing.

Louis just posted a picture of his new born son.

"Meet my little lad Freddie"

It said I cracked a smile and dubble tapped the like button, he needs the good luck, but so do I

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It said I cracked a smile and dubble tapped the like button, he needs the good luck, but so do I.

The limo stopped to a building, "this is it" I asked getting out, "yep, now remember age two to new born" he said walking in. We met up with an old woman who just talked about how it is adopting and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I didn't pay much attention I just want to get this over with, "Zayn" naughty boy pushed my shoulder shaking me out of my thoughts "huh?" He seemed embarrassed "come on your going to pick" we both followed the lady to a big room full of kids.

I'm not saying I don't like children it's just that I'm not ready. The little ones ran around with toys and screamed babbling words. I know I'm supposed to pick a toddler or new born but I prefer one who doesn't cry, won't eat, and doesn't need to change diapers. Technically a doll.

"Do you have someone who doesn' any babyish things much." I asked, now getting punched by the greasy taco. "Ow" I gave him a death glare "actually we quite do" she responded leading us to another room.
It was much quieter and there was a small crib with a small creature "she just came yesterday although has been really quiet and eats normal all you need to do is to change her diaper every two-three hours" my eyes went wide in surprised never thought I'd have one of those.

I looked closer and the little sleepy girl wrapped in a white blanket.

something told me to hold her which I think greasy taco is saying behind me "C-can I hold her" I asked the old lady, she nodded, carefully I picked up the small baby and held her in my arms, her small hand wrapped my finger, so cute

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something told me to hold her which I think greasy taco is saying behind me "C-can I hold her" I asked the old lady, she nodded, carefully I picked up the small baby and held her in my arms, her small hand wrapped my finger, so cute.

"I think this is the one" I said quietly, smiling at the little child I'm going to have to call mine. "Well then we'll get the papers and she'll be all yours." Naughty boy followed the lady to get the papers. While I stayed holding my new daughter.

She opened her eyes seeing her blue eyes starring at my brown one's.

"Ok Gina-Lee is all yours" I looked at naughty boy confused "her names Gina-Lee" he explained, I smiled again and now know she's going to be mine

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"Ok Gina-Lee is all yours" I looked at naughty boy confused "her names Gina-Lee" he explained, I smiled again and now know she's going to be mine.

For the next sixteen years.


I finally arrived home with my new daughter in my arms, naughty boy told publicists about a fake affair I had before Gigi and I got together, and how the 'Mother' of Gina-Lee is now dead due to a car accident.

He's now informed my family and Gigi about this and now I just hope she's fine with this, she does love kids.

"Babe" I called going to the living room, she came over and took one look at me then at the baby, and smiled "so this is the little one" she asked not taking her eyes from the sight "she's so adorable, I know your going to be a great Dad Zayn" I smiled at her but soon frowned giving her a sad face, I then explained to her the contract and this only for 16 years, "it looks like we're gonna have to make the best of it" I told her.

That night was a struggle, waking up every hour, taking turns with Gigi to go and check on Gina, I'm starting to regret this but I can't cause I know it's all worth it.

(The next day)

I woke up by my alarm on my phone, making me groan I hate waking up early, I turned around and saw that Gigi wasn't there, she must have had a meeting to go early.

I went to go and check on Gina-Lee but she wasn't in her new crib which made me freak out, what if someone took her, or she was kidnapped.


I ran downstairs about to call Gigi, I was so close to having a panic attack but was relief in seeing that Gina was with Gigi along with Kendal, Kylie, and Bella.

"Fuck Gigi you scared me, I thought someone kidnapped Gina-Lee" I sigh, she playfully rolled her eyes at me and handed me the baby, "there, happy" she laughed, "I can't believe were Aunts again" Kylie said coming over to us "she's going to be so spoiled" Kendal added "I'm sure boys will be drooling over her when she's older" they all laughed at Bella, "No, there will be no boys going all googling eyes on her she's going to be a Daddy's girl and that is that" I said serious.

All of a sudden I started to feel like something is coming over me, I feel very protected for Gina and it's strange.

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