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(1year later)

Eleanor's p.o.v:

"Awwwe look at her look at her little chubby cheeks, your so cute" Louis coos to our 5 month old daughter Delilah from her high chair, pinching her cheeks as she smiles.

"Lou don't do that she just ate" I say pulling him to a side hug and gave him a kiss on his temple, "I can't help it she's so adorable just like her mum" he returned the kiss but this time on to my lips.

"Ew get a room you two" Gina says walking into the kitchen with Freddie behind her, "oh come on guys not in front of Delilah" I couldn't help but laugh when he covered her little eyes.

It's been a year since Louis and I got back together slash when he asked me to marry him, since that day forward many things had changed.

We moved in together to a bigger house when I was then six months pregnant and got married a month after Delilah was born, Louis hasn't broke his promise and has been the greatest father I've could've imagined making each day to love him so much.

"Do you have everything packed for Italy G" Louis asked her before looking over at her suitcases "for the millionth time, yes Dad" she states playfully rolling her eyes to Freddie.

I can't believe it'll be the last day to see her before she leaves, seems like yesterday I held her in my arms the day she was born. And now she's becoming the most beloved woman I know,

Studying in a Rome college in Italy along with helping Max with his blog post.

My best friend decided to bring his career to a higher level and travel around the world, he did meet a special someone along the way named Rain and something tells me that they'll be living happily ever after soon.

And as for sweet little Freddie, he's working on a movie production series on Netflix series with his friends making his acting career a big thing, already nominating him for a teen choice and Oscar award.

"Alrighty come on kids we're heading out now" Louis said grabbing his keys to drop off our daughter to the airport.

"I'm going to miss you guys I promise to be back home on Christmas" she hugs me one more time before doing the same with Delilah.

"We'll miss you too sis, I have to head out now, I'm going to visit my mum at her new care house, I still can't believe it's been a year she's been sober and recovering" he says, walking out the door with his father.

"Bye love I'll be back before dinner" he waves me a goodbye before closing the door behind him.

I smile as I picked up my baby girl and took her outside the backyard.

"You know hun, someday I'll tell you the story of how you're daddy and I got back together because of your brother and sister" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down over at the swinging chair.

"I never thought after having Gina-lee, that you would come along and make everything better with your father and I, everything happened because you're his daughter".

The End

[A/N: OMG WE FINISHED THE STORY HOLY COW GUYS this is awesome, hope y'all enjoyed the story I'm sorry it had to come to an end but I've been writing this for three years now and I wouldn't have finished it without all your support and love.

If you want more of this kind of story action then check out my new story KIWI with Liam Payne in it for some awesome plots.

Love ya ❤️]

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