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Gina-Lee's p.o.v:

I don't know what's going on with my Dad, he dropped me at the house and left, I was supposed to see Stella at the mall.
Well looks like she's going to have to pick me up. I texted her and she replied with an ok. We've been best friends since pre,K and she's always got my back I can trust her in anything.

Her car horn was outside so I left the house and got in. "Hey G" she said "hi" I respond quietly.

I thought that maybe I wouldn't tell her nothing about Freddie, and the look alike thing, cause every time I talk about boy's she puts it in a different way.

We got to the mall and went to my favorite store in the world, Sephora.

Then we shopped to some other stores and bought a few things for the holidays. I was about to walk to Forever 21 when I heard someone call my name, I turned around and saw Freddie "Gina, wow you walk fast" he said out of breath.

Stella looked surprised "wow" she said starring at us, "did they made a clone out of you." I shook my head no as she looks at Fred "Stella, this is Freddie Tomlinson he's my co-star in the movie" I told her "are you two doing a twin part, you both look exactly the same" we both shook our heads.

"So you wanted to tell me something Fred" he nodded "yeah I wanted to ask you if you and maybe your friend would like to get some pizza with my friends over there" he pointed at three boys one brown headed, a blond and another brown headed but with curls.

I looked at Stella, she seem to be ok with it. "Sure" I say, we followed him over to his friends "boys this is Gina Malik and her friend Starla" "it's Stella" she corrected him, the three boys seemed surprised, and here we go with the look alike problem.

"Whoa, Fred is this your long lost twin or a opposite sex clone" the brown headed said looking back and forth to us, "No, and I'm supposed your someone who's scared of spoons" I ask joking seeing him eat ice cream with a fork, he blush in embarrassment "do you realize how scary they are" he said, which made me shocked "uh it was a joke" I say serious.

"Oh uh right, anyway I'm Ryan Payne" he greeted "I'm Jacob Horan" the blonde one said "and I'm Izak Styles" they smiled, but hidding the expression in what Ryan said.

"So what kind of part in the movie are you doing, Gina" Jacob asked "I'm playing Mary Anne the main part of the story" I told them, "so your fighting between who you should pick between Aston or Drake?" Ryan said I nodded and noticed Izak was surprised "well you know, who's playing Aston" he ask Freddie and I shook our heads "the production can't barley find someone and we have t'ill next week" we said at the same time, again scaring them.


"No way!" I laughed at Jacob who had just finished eatting a larger pizza in a minute. "What can I say I'm a Horan I can eat a cow if I would" he responds. We've got along lately and spent the whole day in the food court.

These boy's were funny and love music just like me and their so hilarious.

I received a text from Gigi and she told me to be at home at six cause my Dad was coming.

Gigi is really nice though she hates it when I call her mum she loves me and my Dad but doesn't have the guts to be called mum. I have been seeing how awkward she's been acting for the past few months and it's starting to worry me about her.

Zayns p.o.v:

I got to the orphanage and went to the office to find that old lady, and luckily I see her alive.

"Excuse me but...for some reason you might not remember me" I told her, she looked at me and smiled "why of course I do Mr Zayn Malik" wow that was easy.

"What can I help you with" she asked as I took a site "well..about fifteen years ago I adopted a baby who's still my daughter, I came here to know who were here parent's when she was brought here" I bit my lower lip hoping she has the answer.

"Let me go and check" she left the room, I grabbed my phone and texted Gigi telling her I'll be at home in six. The lady came back holding a file "here you go" she handed it to me. I looked at it and slowly took a deep breath prying for it not to be what I expected, and opened it.

Well it's half of knowing, Ginas mum is Eleanor. Wait but since G looks like Louis and he announced that Brianna was pregnant a week later after the break up did he and Eleanor did the nasty and....oh.....Yep she's his daughter.

I had a confused face, I can't let G not be in the movie she's been wanting that part for so long and she's working with her step brother. Does Louis know this?

Something is telling me that no.

So looks like I'm gonna have to find a way to not let my little G know.

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