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Freddie's p.o.v:

My friend's and I said goodbye to Gina and Stella as they left the mall. Getting to know her was nice however not to my friends.
"Dude are you really sure you two aren't related" Ryan said "yeah, it's like your twins" I looked at Jacob and shrugged "well we were born on the same day and year, but we have different parents" I told them sipping from my drink.
"It just seems weird you know?" We all stared at Izak in what he said "I mean, well..both of you have the same hair, eyes, lips and same date of birth, Fred honestly this is creepy" he adds, looking away, I rolled my eyes I know my Dad hadn't been with anyone since I was born he focused on me and his new life, if he did had another family then it would've been the last time he'd see me.

"But she is good looking, I would've turned gay if you were like her but good thing there's a female" Ryan smirked same with the others.
"Ewww that's like dating me only if I had a wig, dress and clown makeup then you all would've been with me." I say awkward now thinking about it comparing myself to Gina.
"Yeah I pull that off" Jacob put his arm around my shoulder as if he liked me or I'm his girlfriend. "Eww" I pull him off.
The boys started to laugh, honestly why are they my friends, oh yeah I forgot their dad's are friends with mine.

Gina-Lee's p.o.v:

Stella dropped me over to my house were I made a run for it inside quickly, Gigi opened the door and told me to hurry.
"Your Dad said he was going to stop over to Chapolai on his way luckily you made it on time" she said sighing in relief, I plotted on the couch and threw my shopping bags on the floor, only to know he'll find out I went shopping without his permission.
I'm not always the goody-goody daughter everyone thinks I'll sneek out once in a while without letting Dad know, Gigi is the only one who knows I do that as long as I tell her were I am so she can keep my Dad busy with what she likes to do.

If you know what I mean.

"You better hide those quick" she says grabbing them and giving them to me. I ran up to my room and hide them in my secret closet, yeah I don't only have a closet the size of a mall but a little door in it that leads to the attic and another room no one knows where. I'm the only one who knows it and promised myself to never show anyone this place.

As I got back to my room I heard Gigi call me down to eat chapolai, I don't know why my Dad likes this I prefer Fried chicken and fries but he likes to be healthy and good looking, Gigi hates it when he wants to do that, I honestly get the junk food idea from her since she was always there sometimes she would take me to her photo shoot and take me to McDonald's cause she isn't like a total skinny model.

"G remember I'm taking you dress shopping for your sweet sixteen" Gigi said sipping from her drink, I nodded and stuffed a fork full of salad in my mouth, "I want a ballgown dress but not to big and light blue" I spoke with my mouth full, she doesn't bother cause she does that all the time. "G eat properly" Dad said serious, we looked at him "Zayn let her eat" she defended me "but she's acting like a pig, she has to grow up and be a normal almost 16 year old" he said, and now he's mad.

I grab my water bottle and went upstairs, hearing them argue.
Once in a while Dad would judge me in being a total 2 year old when I'm only 15 about to be 16, he hates it when I act like that but maybe it's because I don't want to grow up yet, sure sometimes I act like my age, However it is what it is.

Zayns p.o.v:

I'm now starting to see the resemblance to Louis and Eleanor between Gina. And I have to say it's like looking into a mirror.
"Zayn seriously you just had to always say crap to her" Gigi said I rolled my eyes and continued to eat, I don't always feel bad into saying things like that to Gina but she needs to learn.

Someday she'll have to be a mutcher adult and quit the kid act, but now I found out why she does that. Though I'm keeping it to myself until the time will come.

"Gigi stop defending her in everything your not her mother" she gasp, why did she do that she said so her self 'I don't think I'm ready to called mum yet but I'll support her'.
"I know that but I've helped you raise her and kept the damn secret she means alot to me" she says whispering the damn secret part. "Yeah but honestly do you always want to hear her be a kid forever and act like one" I said finishing my food. "If it's forever then I suppose" I looked at her with my face of WTF.

I love Gigi she's my wife, yeah ok we got married when Gina was four years old, but she's not much around since she always has to be somewhere early or late. But I hate the stupid moments where she wants to be the winner when we argue over things.

"Let her be what she wants, she just got a role in a movie and maybe a actor/singer/model like us one day though over when she's 16" she bit her lip in the last part.

I sigh "fine" I groaned.

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