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Gina-Lee's p.o.v:

Since mum fainted on to the floor Bruce rushed over to her and licked her face causing her to scream.

She came back to reality and went to clean her face. "Don't think wrong please Mum this is just my decision and I want it that way" I tell her as she whipped her face off with a towel.
"He may have not been in my life the last sixteen years but I trust him mum he's my Dad" I say feeling a lot awkward saying Dad to Louis, she stood quiet and nodded "your right Gina, this is your decision not mine you can do what you want with this" she hugged me tight.

"I promise that you won't feel so left out it'll only be three days with him and I can take four days with you is that fine?" I said making her nod again.

For her she seems upset but this is only part of the plan I made with Freddie.

(A few weeks later)

We stood in court waiting for the judge to give us the custody forms each of us gave our reasons and filed our opinion. "I'm scared" Freddie tells me "why it's just custody" I tell him "not that I don't like being in a court room after only seeing one episode of 'Law and Order'" he begans to shake like a Chihuahua.

"nothing bad will happen we've all agreed to this plan and knew that we'll be in a place like this" Max said whispering so now one could hear us. We were now sitting in the waiting room to wait for Louis and Eleanor to be called and sign the child support papers.
Once they did get called, both went to the elevator without saying a word. Freddie, Max and I crossed our fingers hoping everything will turn out fine.

Louis p.o.v:

I stared over at the level clock, every time a new number appears I got the feeling of nevers.

What if I'm not a good father to Gina-Lee I have no idea how to take care of a girl yet again I have my sisters and mum to help out I'm sure this couldn't be that hard.


The sound of the elevator doors opening made me lose thoughts. We stepped out and went towards the office door. The judge handed us the papers to sign and asked both the same yet different questions.

"Mr, Tomlinson it's been clear that in your files are stated how you've done drugs in an legal country are you still doing drugs to this day?" The judge asked "no sir I've haven't done no drugs since the birth of my son Freddie" I stated clearly not to let anything wrong.

They began to ask Eleanor different questions as in what she does for living and has she ever been married, clearly the man was flirting with her.

And that obviously I was feeling jealous of that.

Once we got back to the elevator after they told us to wait down stairs for who'll take most custody of Gina. Though I was mostly fine with the fact she can stay with Eleanor more days then me because she's the mother.

I faced over at Eleanor admiring how beautiful she is, 'how could I do such a mistake to her making her feel so broken by me' I tell myself in my mind.

All I wish is to make it up to her but I can't. Until I didn't realize what I just did.

I pushed her towards the wall and smashed my lips on to hers, to my surprise she immediately kissed back, "gosh I missed you" I whimpered through the kiss, she wrapped her hands around my neck to deepen the kiss leaving silence to the both of us.

"Oh" "my" "shit"

Freddie's p.o.v:

We waited for the elevator doors to open after I just I got a text from Aunt Phoebe saying to come home quickly, once the doors opened my eyes widened huge and so did Gina and Max ,"Oh" I say "my" Gina continued "shit" Max finished our sentence.

Dad and Eleanor were making out right in front of us but quickly pulled away once the three of us screamed. They both stepped out quickly pretending nothing happened.

But we knew what they did.

I went back to reality and told Dad about what aunt Phoebe texted, he didn't understand but we quickly were about to leave when another text came up saying that we have to bring Gina and Eleanor with us.

"I'll go in my car don't worry" Gina said quickly letting them leave the same time we did.

Gina-Lee's p.o.v:

I didn't know why we had to go over to their house from what I'm feeling I could tell this wasn't well.

We got there before Freddie and Louis did and knocked on the door where Doris answered it crying. "What's wrong, what happened" I say but she didn't respond instead she took me and mum over to Johannas room where she was laying there in her bed almost life less.

A few tears formed in my eyes as I took a step closer to her. "Gina" she said holding my hand, I got down on my knees to speak, "my beloved Granddaughter, thank you for letting me get to know you before I leave" she smiled weakly making me do the same.

I never knew this would happen, I did basically knew she had cancer because of the bandana she would wear but Freddie told me that their was nothing to worry about since her treatment was doing fine.

"Eleanor" Johanna faced over to her, "I always wanted you and Louis to be together and I hope one day you'll forgive him" Mum began to cry and nodded hugging her.

"Gina-Lee, take this" she handed me over her necklace that she had wrapped around her neck and gave me it on my hand, "this was given to me by my mother for over seven generations and I want you to have it, "pass it on to your daughter one day" I nodded once again as Freddie and Louis came in.

"Grandma Johanna no no please" Freddie cried pushing me out of the way so he can see her. "Freddie love, listen, my time is coming and I'm going to make sure your all alright as I'm watching you all from above" he nodded and Louis came next to him.

"My son, you'll be alright, promise me you will step up for everyone" "I promise mum just please don't go" Louis cried.

"I love you all" The last words she said before taking her last breath.

The room was filled with sobbs and crying from all of us seeing My Grandmother Johanna leave us.

[A/N: HONESTLY I'm crying writing this was sad but this is how the is I'm sorry. Any ways I'm back and I've been seeing what my sister is doing and I hope you all won't be upset to know that she'll finish my story while I'm gone any who enjoy]


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