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Gina-Lee's p.o.v:

One step outside I took, felt the most weird Anxiety since it's been forever I haven't been outside with the fact the group home never let allowed us to leave the house.

We got into the van a drove about half an hour to a stadium where camera crew people filmed around a crowd of teens.
"Girls come along now we have to get our tickets" Ms Iryn says guiding us to the entery, each of us got a wrist band ticket with random numbers.

All I could think about is wanting to run to the camera host and inform them that I'm somewhere in Las Vegas Nevada and for Zayn or Freddie to come rescue me.

We got to our seats and watched how there was an announcer saying that they'll be a contest for anyone who is  lucky to appear on the jumbo screen will participate in the host and sing the national anthem.

I would say that I would like to be appeared on that but I need to focus more on a plan to get attention.

"Gina, Gina- Lee" Ms Iryn shakes me away from my thoughts as I looked over at her, "hmm?" She points to the screen where I saw that I was on the jumbo screen where it said "WINNER" .

It became unreal that I was already picked, how?
"We have a winner, bring her over here" the announcer said while a police officer came to take me to the bottom of the stadium.

"What's your name dear" he says looking at me then at the camera, I knew this was my only chance.
"I'm Gina-Lee Mailk and I'm from Los Angeles California" I say to the camera "well Gina-Lee do you know the national anthem" I quickly nod and took the microphone away from him and stared everyone.

I sanged and notice how everyone began to realize that I was actually The Gina- Lee who most know me as Zayn and Gigi's daughter.

I sanged and notice how everyone began to realize that I was actually The Gina- Lee who most know me as Zayn and Gigi's daughter

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Ryan's p.o.v:

We got to the stadium and checked at our list that we were in charged of choosing who will be the anthem singer this year and get to join us for the challenges.

"You got 6 minutes to find someone" our manager says going to sit down, we looked around with our binoculars searching for somebody who is able to sing.
My phone ranged and it was Freddie calling,

"Ryan "

"Hey Fred, any luck finding Gina"

"No, you?"

I was about to reply when I looked over at the right side and saw a line full of girls when someone caught my attention.

"No way!"


I realizedthat I was still on the phone with him when I told Izak and Jacob to look over at the direction I told them seeing how they were shocked.


I shouted and hunged up the phone imminently telling the camera person to pick the girl in the white jersey.

Once she was on the jumbo screen we could already tell it was Gina. And when the host asked her name that's how we knew we've found her.

She began to sing the national anthem and her voice sounds just like Freddie when he sings.

Freddie's p.o.v:

I didn't understand what Ryan was saying on the phone and that I should turn the tv to channel 11.

But I had to know what was going on so I clicked the channel and saw everything making my jaw drop.

It was my sister she's in Las Vegas? How?

I didn't have no time instead I rushed over to get my phone and keys. I should'vetold Dad about this but I was still upset with him so instead I drove to Zayns house in a speed limit not caring if I got a speed ticket.

I knocked on the door and saw Eleanor answer, I could tell she also saw what was on t.v. "Zayn we have to find her she's there my friends have informed me that it's her" I say out of breath.

He just nods seeing how she on the television with Ryan,Jacob, and Izak. They called back again and told me what she explained and told them where she lived.

It lead me to no choice at such a young again to do. "THAT'S IT" I shout having all of them looking at me confused.

"Pack your shit Zayn we're going to Vegas"

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