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Gina-Lee's p.o.v:

I walked into the kitchen seeing Gigi there making toast and blending a smoothie. "Morning G" she said facing me smiling, I sat down over to the bar chairs "Morning" I reply and looked at my phone a text message came from Fred.

"Gina, the directors found someone who can play Aston for the movie, he wants us to go over our lines with the dude today"

I squealed and snapped out, quickly I texted him back and thought, this kid better not be ugly, I don't want my first kiss with an ugly person even if he's an awful kisser than I am.
"Gigi, would you please drive me to studio 14" I begged she nods and grabbed her purse holding two pieces of toast in her mouth and three in her hand, "Lego" I said cheerfully and opened the door taking a step out but soon fell face first as I noticed it was my Dad still sleeping in the front door.

"Shhh" I heard Gigi shush as she took a big step front and closed the door, I don't know how can my Dad not feel me falling on top of him and he's still sleeping, "heavy sleeper" I whispered as I got into the car looking towards the sleepy hobo man in the front porch which me and Gigi still angry at him from yesterday.

We got over to studio 14 just in time, stepping in the place I saw Freddie running up to me along with a man with tattoos talking on the phone "Gina" he called, I noticed Gigi gasping wide eyes and mouth open, "Hey Fred, this is Gigi my step mum, Gigi this is Freddie Tomlinson my friend" I introduced.

She looked at the man who was on the phone and didn't pay attention to me, "well this is my Dad Louis" he looked at him but didn't pay attention either "Yeah Liam I know just pick up Freddie once he finished the script play for the movie...sure.....ok...ok...fine bye" the man ended the call and looked at Gigi and gasped.

"You" they both said pointing at each other he looked at me and screamed, starring at me, I realized that he looks like Fred but like me as well the three of us have exact same crystal blue eyes.
"Dad?" Fred asked trying to snap him out of his thoughts, "Lewis William Tomlinson" "Jelena Noura Hadidi" they both looked at each other angrily like animals about to fight.

"You both know each other?" I asked but didn't have a response instead they left in separated ways.

"What was that about?" Fred asked I gave him a shrug and walked into the place. The director sigh in relief seeing us "Oh good thing you're both here we found someone last minute to play as Aston" he said making me nervous "that's grate who is he" Fred said happily "right over there" he pointed at, Izak?

"IZAK" we both shouted surprised, "your going to be in the movie" he nodded, I took a big gulp I'm gonna have to kiss him at the scene.

He looked at me and smirked making me feel sick but blushing, he is good looking, but lied to me for saying he didn't had a girlfriend, "that's grate" Fred felt sick, "wonderful now let's work on the script shall we" the director said and walked over to the site area, I have a bad feeling about this.

Louis p.o.v:

I was shocked as fuck, that girl looks exactly like me and Freddie, how?

I don't remember being with anyone.

Most of that I didn't know why Gigi was there, I haven't talked to her or Zayn since....... years ago.


I made my way over to the mall seeing what can I find for Freddie's birthday, I know it's still a few months away but the earlier the better enough for last minute.

After looking around I noticed something from the corner of my eye, I know a brown raven headed  boy with tattoos when I see it.

Zayn Malik

He didn't see me probably because I wasn't noticeable from wearing a hat and sunglasses along with my new beard I grew. He walked over to the check line to pay I followed to pay as well and looked at him, he hasn't changed much like me and my lads, something came to my mind remembering what Freddie said.

That girl who I saw earlier today must have been Zayns daughter if I'm not wrong he married Gigi and she must be the mother of her but I don't understand how on earth does she look like me and my son.

Zayn looked over at his phone to see if there was a message and there wasn't but the lock screen of him a little girl and Gigi all in a family picture, as he went to the lady and paid "aww is that's a beautiful family" the counter women told him "what?..Oh yeah they are, that's my wife Gigi and my daughter Gina-Lee, this picture was taken when she was four years old on our trip to the Bahamas" he smiled "aww that's cute, have a nice day sir" she said waving.

Quickly I paid for mine and followed him, I have a feeling in my gut, I've always wanted a daughter with the name Gina-Lee, I never told Zayn that but how did he knew?

This is a puzzle I will have to solve myself.

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