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Gina-Lee's p.o.v:

My eyes were wide big, so was my Dad except he was surprised, I looked at the box again and smiled.

Seeing a chocolate cake with white word's spelled into a sentence.

"I'm pregnant"

I felt so emotional having a smile grow on my face, "I'M GOING TO BE A SISTER" I shouted jumping up and down, squealing and running up to Gigi hugging her, we both looked at my Dad, he still had a surprise look, but soon he fainted flat on the floor, "Zayn?" She said worried seeing him still opened eyes only looking at the chandelier in the ceiling, there was no response.

So it lead me to do what I mostly love to do, Gigi had the face of [go and get it] and I did, pouring it on him ice cold water, "AHHHH" he finally reacted, we both laughed at him but want a response to Gigi being pregnant, "Zayn aren't you happy, you've said so yourself and here it is you wanted another child" she said upset from him not answering.

He looked pissed off and walked out of the house, my mouth drop open, noticing he just left, I looked at Gigi her face with sadness, and make up running down from her tears, I hugged her to calm down "I'm happy for you Gigi I'm going to be a big sister to my little sibling in there" I smiled rubbing her belly, I then started to now know why she was acting a little odd for the past few days, "how many months are you" I asked she looked at me "four, I just found out last week" my eyes widen, for her work outs and staying skinny all the time it doesn't really show nothing of a bump.

"Would you like to come with me to the ultra sound on Saturday, their going to tell us the gender" I gasped and squealed nodding my head, "can we eat the cake now I'm hungry" I say pointing at it, she chuckled "sure".

Zayn's p.o.v:


I drove to the bar the only place I want to wash down my thoughts, I'm really happy for Gigi being pregnant, I'm going to be a Dad but I don't want Gina to know the truth about her adoption, I don't have much time left until she finds out.

Quickly I swallowed up a cup of Tequila very strong to make me for get, however I hope I don't come home drunk like I did a few times, all I remember was when Gina was ten I found her sleeping in the front porch the next day, I asked her why was she there and Gigi told me that I thought that was Perrie and I threw her out of my house.

After being in this place for a while I was at my fourth shot when I stopped myself, "do I really want to bring myself in trouble again" I thought and put it down, I paid the bar man and drove to my house, I was about to take a step in the porch when I saw a blanket and a pillow next to the door, there was a pink sticky note on the door.

Hey Dad,

Gigi is quite upset for you leaving like that, so she locked you out of the house for tonight, but since I'm a good daughter I left out a pillow and blanket for you to be cozy warm, hope you ate something cause we ate all the chocolate cake, your loss.

Gina-Lee :)

I simply groaned and layed down on cold marble floor with the blanket covering me and hugging the pillow, The one's I love locked me out of my own house.


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