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(Nine years later)

Louis p.o.v:

"FREDDIE!" I called entering in my house, my hands were full of shopping bags filled with random junk "yeah Dad" he said walking in helping me, I looked around "where's your mother" he shrugged not caring "out like always" he changed the subject fast.

"Dad you won't believe it" I looked at him strange "what?" He jumped up and down like a fangirl "I GOT THE PART" I was still confused, I really didn't remember what he's talking about "don't tell me you forgot" he groan walking to his room, I followed him up the stairs, I tried to remember what was he talking about but it seemed difficult to.

I've been literary in Freddie's life since birth and I'm out of order pretending to love Brianna even though she's only around when she wants to. My management force me to marry her so we could be a beloved family to have my son.

He grab his laptop and showed me a role play for a movie. Then it hit me. He addition for a movie and got the lead role. "Oh" I finally understood "I'm happy for you Fred" I smiled "thanks dad, I want to be just like you an actor and be in a cool band with so many fan's" he squealed, my son is growing up so fast he's almost 16, I'm thankful he looks more like me then Brianna.

I called the boys to come over for lunch and catch up on things after so long, I haven't seen them since Freddie's last piano recital a few months back.

They came over and we went on about the things and job's they were glad to see Freddie all grown up and getting the lead role "you're turning more into your father" Liam said laughing "still with that teddy bear" Harry said joking to Fred but it made him blush "he still does, he always cuddles her to sleep and drags her everywhere" I laughed, "SHE'S MINE" Fred yelled, his voice sounds just like me.

"Don't you ever complement about my teddy ever" he said in his sassy way flipping his hair and walked out only to be hit by the wall, making us all bust out laughing.

Zayn's p.o.v:

Tired I was as I entered in my comfortable house, had a long day at the studio but saved a little energy to spend time with my princess.

I love her to death, these years went by quickly I sometimes wish for her to stay little again forever, I know what you're thinking, I first hated being a Dad at so young but as I started to realize that it's not that bad, it felt like I was actually ready to, though Gina isn't really like other kid's.

"Dad, Dad, Dad, you won't believe what happened" my little G said running to my arms for a hug "what, what happened?" I asked, she squealed and showed me the role play "I GOT THE PART" she jumped up and down, my eyes widen to surprise "GINA THAT'S GREAT" I spin her around still in the hug, she has been wanting to play a lead role and finally has it, since I can remember Gina has been wanting to be a model and actor though she can even sing.

I'm proud of her

We went to the kitchen were I started to cook or should I say burn the food like always, "Dad can I ask you something" I turn to look at her in the eye's "sure tell me" I went back to burn lunch "uh..well...I know you don't like to talk about it but I'm almost sixteen...can you please tell me who's my mum?" I gulped and think fast.

Gina doesn't know she's adopted and she did know about her fake mother and my 'Affair', (and knowing Gigi isn't her biological one) when she was twelve and since then shes been asking whos she was.

She'll be turning 16 in two months so I believe if just get this over with then maybeshe can stop bringing it up.

"umm...uhh oh..well I was planning on telling you when you're an adult, had kids and a job but...." I sigh and took a seat on the bar stool next to her.

"Your mum...She died when she left me with you, I never knew about her until you were born, uh..She gave me you and disappeared I found out later on her...death at a car accident"

I put my best fake expression but most real face, she was about to cry which makes me feel sad every time she does that "my mum was a jerk" she whispered and let a few tears fall "don't cry G look at the bright side, she gave me you and that's all I'd would ever want" I smiled, she nodded and hugged me "I love you Dad" she sob, I stroked her soft light brown hair and kissed her head "me too".

Later that night I went to her room to check up on how she was taking the news so far and to also say good night to her, she was cuddling all her stuff animals and the lights were off, I couldn't walk over there since I'm still scared of the dark, so I turned the light on "AHHHH THE LIGHTS" she yelled-squealed hidding under the covers.

"Sorry G just wanted to say goodnight" I said turning it back off.

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