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Another one of my previously independent poems, but that's not going too well, obv.  Ugh, I hate my life sometimes, ya know? kk, well, here it is..again...re-debuting xD

A blank piece of paper in front of me

All the possibilities in the world

At my fingertips, ready to spill out 

Like wolves on a fresh kill, no

Bars held back and each fighting

For their piece of what they deserve

A vacated room full of promise:

Paint, furniture, colors, carpet

Everything and anything to make it

Your own, brag and boast about 

Being different, personalize and 

Picture, not even remembering the prior

An empty soul, ready for a chance

To build back up what it never was

Dust away the cobwebs and vacuum

Up the expired dreams

Opening it up for fresh air and

The light to envelop it, making

It once again whole


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