the sound

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disclaimer: i did not write any of this chapter, full credit goes to _MrRaye_   only my ideas were given

3 months ago

michael woke up abrupty breathing heavily and gasping for air.

the same dream had been repeating itself that whole week. luke was gone, luke was never coming back. he looked at the clock on his bedside table, 01:37.

the hospital was quiet and eerily dark. he could sense something with him. or someone.

"hello michael." a familiar voice had spoken.

"calum... leave me alone please. i-i don't know what you want."

"yes you do michael, where is he?"

"where's who?"

"don't fuck with me, michael you know who!"

michael closed his eyes shut and put his hands over his ears. "you can't hide it michael... the truth will be revealed somehow!"

michael pressed the button for his nurse and cried silently as he waited.

luke was gone, luke was never coming back.

a/n hey guys! these chapters are like little interludes of how michael felt while luke was missing, just incase any of you were confused.

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