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michael was in the hospital bed, asleep. he tossed and turned, mumbling please and stop. he shot up and looked around the mostly white hospital room. his breath was heavy as he wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead. he heard someone clear their throat at the entrance to his room. his head turned towards to sound. his breathed got stuck in his throat as his eyes widened in fear. he went to press the button that called a nurse but the person quickly yelled out "wait!". michael slowly put down the button and turned towards the person at the door.
"what do you want, ashton?" michael said shakily, avoiding eye contact.
"i want luke"
"well y-your're not getting him"
ashton laughed at the boys poor attempt of sticking up for himself
"michael, i don't think you have a choice" ashton said lowly as he walked towards michael. he sat down in the chair next to michael's bed "i'm truly sorry for what i did to you, but it had to be down"
"you're not sorry." michael spat
"you know what. i'm not" ashton laughed as he got up from where his was sitting. he walked until he was standing directly over michael. michael shook in fear as ashton grabbed the material of his hospital robe that sat on his chest. "now, here's what i want you to do" ashton pulled on the material so that their faces were only inches away for each other "you're going to leave luke and you're going to make sure that he's completely heart broken. you're going to make sure that he comes to me. and if he doesn't," ashton chuckled "you're going to need more than a few casts" ashton let go of the material and walked of to room, looking michael straight in his terrified eyes as he walked through the door.

michael didn't know what to do, ashton was going to hurt him worse than he already has if he did break up with luke. luke was the love of michaels life. luke saved michael from his darkest times, he couldn't just leave him, could he?

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