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disclaimer: i did not write any of this chapter, full credit goes to _MrRaye_ only my ideas were given

6 months later

michael got up from his wheelchair and grabbed his crutches. he made his way into the kitchen as the smell of pancakes filled his senses.

he snaked his arms around luke's waist and kissed his neck softly. "g'morning lukey."

luke giggled quietly at michael's groggy morning voice as he plated up the pancakes. "good morning sleepy. i made breakfast."

michael grabbed his plate and seated himself at their dining table, that still seemed foreign to him. "it smells and tastes so good. thank you. i love you. just marry me already please so you can make me pancakes everyday." michael ranted as his mind filled with the thought of luke's amazing pancakes everyday, and luke in general, of course.

luke laughed at michael, ruffled his hair gently and sat down in the chair beside him. "okay, let's do it then."

"do what?" miuchael speaks with a mouth full of pancakes.

"let's fucking get married michael!" luke yells excitedly.

michael chews and swallows his food before a long silence fills the room. "okay... okay, let's get fucking married, lukey!"

michael holds up a finger and hurries out of the room the best he could, returning with a small black box and struggling to get onto one knee.

"luke hemmings, i love you so much and i really wish that i had prepared a speech but anyway; will you make me the happiest man alive and give me the honour of being your husband?" michael waited for luke to answer happily and giggled quietly.

luke smiled happily and nodded quickly, "yes! of course i'll marry you, you goofball!"

michael and luke kissed each other and smiled happily.

their lives aren't exactly perfect, they're a bit broken and crazy but they are good enough for each other.

and everything is just the way they want it to be.

a/n this is sadly one of the last chapters of this book 😢😢 but i will be posting an alternate ending tomorrow so don't you worry if you wanted a tragic ending. i got you guys.

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