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disclaimer: i did not write any of this chapter, full credit goes to _MrRaye_ only my ideas were given

michael grimaced when he had taken another bite out of his crappy hospital breakfast. the sydney sun streamed through the curtains and filled michael with warmth and calmness.

michael went to take another bite when he heard the door of his room start to open. a middle-aged, short and balding male police officer stepped through the door slowly in order not to frighten michael.

"good morning mr. clifford." he had spoken softly, when he saw michael freeze up in fear.
michael just nodded stiffly towards the male, not trusting his voice.
the man slowly pulled out a chair from a desk in the corner of the room, and put it down gently beside michael's bed.

the man pulled out a small notebook and a pen before he spoke to michael, "i just came here to talk to you about what happened to you a few weeks ago, is that okay?"
michael hesitated before he nodded his head slowly, "o-ok."

the officer smiled softly at michael before asking carefully, "what happened to you michael?"

michael's face turned a light pink colour when he thought about what he had been through, "i-i was t-taken by c-ca... cal..."
michael cut himself off when tears had fallen down his face and his breathing had started to speed up.

memories of the traumatic event had come flashing back to him, one by one.
michael placed his hands on either side of his head and started rocking back and forth as pain filled his body.

he let out a scream of pain and had lay down on his side.
the officer pressed the button for the nurse continuously, worried about michael.
a few nurses and doctors entered the room quickly, spotted michael's erratic behaviour and pinned him down to the bed.

michael saw calum in front of him, pinning him down and screamed in fear, begging loudly, "please! don't do this, help! help!"
michael felt something sharp poke him and felt drowsy.

the last thing michael heard before he slipped into a deep sleep was, 'ptsd'.

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