Ch.3 The Night Court

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So guys to start off I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating in a while it's just that I've been really busy but I will try to update more.

Rhysand's Pov

As I go and pull myself through the shadows I am now in spring. Okay not to big of a deal now I just have to go and find Feyre. That shouldn't be to hard I think she should be right here. Then just as I think that I notice someones presence. For a moment I wonder who it is but then I hear the voice and realize that it is just Feyre.

"Rhys?" Feyre says, "I haven't seen you in a while, what took you so long?"

Right before I answer my eyes automatically roam her body going up and then right back up to her face. "I had to rebuild my court" I say, "and anyhow it hasn't even been that long"

"Well I guess if you don't think two months is that long" she says, "Well anyhow I suspected that you would come at some point, I just wish I had made more of the time I had here."

"Well Feyre are you ready or are you going to go say say your goodbyes before we go to the night court?" I say. I kinda want her to just say she can leave now but I can't be to hopeful."

"I'll just go say goodbye to Lucien" Feyre says "then we can go. I wonder why she isn't going to say goodbye to Tamlin then of course she might just be bored of him. Which would be great for my case.

"So why aren't you going to say goodbye to Tamlin?" I ask 

"Oh just because I don't really want to talk to him right now and because he would probably try to stop me from going, which is what I don't need right now" Feyre says

As she says this though something catches my ears. She said that she doesn't want to deal with Tamlin holding her back from going. Hmm I think I wonder maybe she finally got bored of this place. Maybe she is really mad or annoyed at Tamlin and she just wants to leave. Well whatever it is she is always welcome at night. So as I'm thinking this a certain voice is disrupting my thoughts.

"Feyre you are not leaving with him at all" Lucien says

"Oh not you too I'm going Lucien and that is final no one at the moment is going to stop me because i made a deal to do this okay" Feyre says

"No that's not okay Feyre Tamlin will kill me if he knows I let you be taken. Besides that it is starting to sound like you want to go there" Lucien says. Now I'm wondering does she want to leave this place. Because it kinda is sounding like she wants to leave. Maybe I can just peek into her mind just for a second I think. So I do and find something at the surface she is kinda thinking that this place is almost like a prison where she's trapped. So she does want to leave this place.

"Lucien it's final I'm going, right now. Oh by the way pass on the knowledge to Tamlin just to  make sure he doesn't end up destroying the manor just because he's looking for me" Feyre says "Anyhow goodbye"

"Feyre no don't go back just hold on for a-" Lucien starts to say but I'm already transporting us. I wonder what Feyre will think of the night court. Well I just hope she likes it.

When we get there I'm first trying to calm myself down from holding her and then I'm trying to tell if she likes it or not. After a couple moments of silence she finally says "It's beautiful here"

"Hmm" I say, well that made feel a whole lot better because I couldn't stop wondering if she liked it or not.  So I decided to give her the scenic route it was pretty simple really. We passed by many houses and well this whole place was kinda surrounded with trees. The trees were a beauty they all had black trunks and depending on the tree some had a royal purple leaves other had royal blue leaves.

As we keep on walking I forget when but at some point Feyre starts to hold my hand which is nice an everything. Although my usually calm heart is well kinda sending of fireworks. We soon get to the castle which is quite beautiful, but it's a castle so it's obviously going to be cool. 

The doors open up by the snap of my fingers and I hope it's not to noticeable but I'm trying to impress Feyre. And I just noticed that if someone had like a nickname for Feyre and it was Fey then well that's like what we are fae or faeries so that's pretty cool.

We keep pretty quiet on our trip to the room and I think that is just because she is well astonished maybe from the size of this caste. I mean for someone new this castle might be a bit like a maze but that's okay. Right?

So we finally get to her room and I think that she is very tired because when I first went to get her she looked really tired like she had gotten no sleep at all and she had bags under her eyes. Personally she still looked very beautiful to me but then again she is my mate. I truly believe she needs to get her beauty sleep. But unfortunately she most likely still has nightmares from when she was under the mountain which would make sense.

"So did you want to go to sleep now because you look like you might need some rest." I say

"Rhys I think maybe I'll lay down for a bit I mean it is night time right" Feyre says

"Yeah it's night time so you can go to bed now" I say. There is a smile on my face because Feyre is pretty delirious so I don't think she recognized how it's always night in the night court.

Hey guys just wanted to say sorry again for not updating in a while and that I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes. Oh also I'm starting like a book now too it's called the guardians and it would be cool if you guys and gals could maybe just maybe check it out.

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