Ch.16 Bad Suprises

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Feyre's Pov

As soon as I tell said news everything just goes to hell.

I hear a yell, more specifically someone yelling "WHAT!!!!". Only problem was that it wasn't Lucien. No it was someone much different. It was Tamlin.

All that's going through my mind is how is he even here. Lucien said he wouldn't be here for days, so what happened? Was it all a trick some scheme. Wait, hold up, shouldn't they be happy for me?

At that moment Tamlin comes straight to me, with only four words, "What did you just SAY!?!?!" he screams it at me, though he knows exactly what I said. Even though I was so scared of him right now, I managed to say with confidence;

"you know exactly what I just said, Tamlin". I see Lucien shoot me a look, one that basically says shut up but I just don't I cant. "You heard exactly what I said Tamlin, I said that me and Rhys are MATES, and I'm going to stay with him now, you should be happy for me!!" I yell.

At that moment though I knew i pushed him way to far. I knew I did because he started coming at me, and you know what I-I don't... wh-what what's going on. You think I would be smart enough to see he was going to frickin murder me but nope I don't see that. At the last moment I just push out my arms hoping to stop him, yeah fat load that'll do for me, I think to myself.

But I guess I was wrong because he was sent flying back, he soon got back up though looking even madder, but at that moment Lucien stepped in. Thank the cauldron.

"Tamlin calm down, she probably doesn't even care for him. But nobody can stop the mating bond. Neither of them probably want it. Actually Tamlin, he's probably making her stay with him, don't get mad at Feyre." He says, but oh he couldn't be more wrong.

Now I know I wasn't to sure this morning but no one is going to say that, and have me be okay with it.

"Now hold on Lucien I-" I start to say but is cut off by Tamlin.

"You're right Lucien, I'm so sorry Feyre, I just got so mad. I promise you though I would never hurt you, don't worry. And Feyre i know you don't want this, I promise I will do everything and anything to break the mate bond between you two." 

Oh, he has something else coming if he thinks I'm letting him break the mate bond. Hell to the no.

"Tamlin you must have misunderstood me, I want this" I say in hopes of getting him to understand.

"HAHA, Feyre that's just the mate bond talking, I know the real you, you don't wan this. You love me" He says. No, no I don't; I haven't loved Tamlin for a very long time, hell I don't even know if I ever did love him.

"Tamlin I don't love you. Bloody hell I haven't loved you for a long time. By the cauldron man, I don't think I ever loved you" I say to Tamlin.

"Love, don't worry you say that now, but just give me some time I'll fix this." He says to me, I think he directed it to me, honestly though he could have been talking to himself.

"You know what, NO Tamlin, I'm leaving, right NOW" I yell at him, seriously man just get the message. Right?

"Funny Feyre, but I don't think you understand you're not leaving for a long time, and one day you'll come to love me again" he says

What the hell is he talking about? I look to Lucien but suddenly he's gone, where did he go? No sooner did I think that everything goes black. And the last thing I hear is Tamlin saying, "You'll stay even if I have to lock you up."

Still Feyre's Pov

I wake up in a dark room, what the hell. There's a window to another room here. And when I look through it, I see him, Tamlin.

"Tamlin, wh-what's going on?" I wimper. I don't want to act weak but I do, I can't help it. I'm so scared right now. What's going to happen to me, will I survive? Is he going to kill me? And what about Rhys?

"Relax Feyre, it's just that I couldn't let you leave, you mean to much to me. I love you Feyre" he says.

"No, Tamlin this isn't love, you don't love me" I try to convince him but I just can't. He honsetly believes he loves me but... but he doesn't.

"Feyre just relax make yourself comfortable, everything's fine. Here let me just turn on the lights" he says. And he does but the second he does all I do is move to the bed. And just close my eyes. Rocking myself back and forth. "I'll see you soon Feyre", and with that he leaves.

So here I am stuck here all alone, closing my eyes. Wishing all this to be over. I can't even think properly. And you want to know what I'd endure this all as long as I had Rhys.

As long as I knew that at the end of the day, or whatever, he'd be there with me. Here it is, I admit it I am hopelessly in love with Rhys. And not just because of the mate bond no, I love him because of... everything really. All the good and all the bad, I love all of it. No matter how cheesy it sounds. As long as he is here with me I know I'll be okay. 

I know nothing will happen to me that I can't get through, as long as he is with me. And he's all I need. Everyone else is like a bonus, but he's the actual one that's the real prize. And I will live my whole life being thankful for him.

He's all I ever need, ever want. He is my forever. Rhys. Rhys is mine. And I wouldn't anyone else. So I'll wait for him to come get me, and then, hehe then I'll show him, I'm his, and of course that he's mine.

And the last thing I here before drifting off to sleep is this, 'dont worry Feyre darling I'm coming, I'm coming for you'.

So there it is gals and guys, I hoped you liked it, well I hope you loved it personally. Also I updated a lot sooner than expected, so yeah. Anyhow please vote, and comment, It fills me with so much joy!!!!

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