Ch.19 War is Coming

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Feyre's pov

The moment Azriel said that I didn't know what to think. War? Tamlin would go as far to declare war between the night court and the spring court?

"Don't worry Feyre" Mor tells me. But how can I not worry? "The night court is stronger than the spring court, seeing as the night court is one of the three solar courts"

I look to Rhys for confirmation, not that I don't trust Mor, it's just that I don't completely trust Mor, Rhys in turn gives a small nod to me. At that moment I watch as Rhys starts to walk to another room Azriel, Amren, and Cassian trailing after him.

"What are they doing?" I ask Mor. Are they going to start planning? Because if so I want to be able to help in some way. I at least want to tell them that Lucien seems innocent.

Mor turns to me before saying, "They're probably planning something. Trying to figure out how to stop this war."

"I want to help, Mor" I tell her

"I- Ryhs wanted me to stay here with you, you don't need to get involved with this you know" She tells me.

"What do you mean I don't need to get involved with this? This is war!!" I tell her my voice starting to rise. " This is exactly what Tamlin used to do also, never tell me anything never inform me of anything."

"Okay, Feyre. You can try to help, or at least listen" She tells me seemingly understanding my stuggle.

"Thank you" I say to her.

"You prove a good point Feyre, you should know what going. So let's go." She says, starting to walk into the same room the others went to.

The moment we walk in I hear Amren start to say, "He isn't really aloud to declare war if she admits she's your mate."

The moment Amren finishes that sentence, they all turn to me and Mor. Rhys looks at me most likely wondering what I'm doing here. In answer all I say is that I want to help or at least know what going on.

"well" Amren starts to say, "Just go tell Tamlin you're Rhys mate, and he no reason to declare war on us" when she says that I immediately nod, I would do that. I don't mind telling Tamlin Rhys is my mate.

"I could do that" I say

"The only problem is would that be enough for him?" Rhys asks. "I mean the Tamlin might not just let her leave. He might still declare war.

"That would be stupid of him though I mean he knows he would lose." Cassian says.

"Maybe he has allies?" Mor says.

"We can at least try to tell him I'm your mate. That way other courts might not be as willing to side with him" I tell them.

"That's a good point" Azriel says.

"I guess there's no harm in trying" Amren says. "I'll go with you then girl. Just to keep you safe."

Despite part of me wanting to say that I don't need someone to protect me I stay quiet. I mean the truth is I'm not that strong. I mean I have okay mental shields, and I can shape shift, and I can defend myself. But of he tries to trap me again I won't be able to escape. And I probably couldn't beat him in a fight.

"The rest of us can get the court ready for war then" Rhys tells us.

We all walk out of the room, and Rhys leads me to one of the rooms so I can sit down.

"How is this going to turn out Rhys?" I ask him.

"Realistically?" he asks me, and I nod, "Well war is probably going to happen. Thing is we're just plain stronger, and I doubt we will have to use to many resources for this. As you had pointed out before courts will be less willing to side with him if they know you're my mate. But either way I don't think we'll have to bring other courts into this."

All I do to answer him is hug him, and just enjoying the feeling I get when I'm in his arms, it makes me feel safe and warm, like nothing can hurt me.

"You and Amren should be leaving tomorrow, okay?" he asks me.

"Yeah that's fine" I tell him. "I want to help Rhys"

"What?" he asks me.

"I want to fight in the war." I tell him

"Feyre I don't want you getting hurt, and Tamlin will instantly try to get you if he sees you." Rhys tells me.

"I know you don't want me getting hurt but I'm not completely defenseless" I tell him.

"I know that, but still he'll see you" Rhys says.

"What if you put some sort of glamour on me, so I didn't look like me. Then he wouldn't know how I look. And besides I can just shape shift into some animal.

"Feyre don't you think he'd know it's you if there was some random animal in the middle of a battlefield?" he asks me.

"No" I say seriously, "He doesn't know that I have magic"

"Fine Feyre, I don't like it but I know you really want to do this so I'm not going to stop you." He tells me.

"Thank you Rhys" I tell him. "So tell me a bit about your inner circle" I tell him.

"Well you already met them and all, but there's Mor my cousin bit energetic she can be but I'm sure you'll love her. Then there's Amren she's been around longer than I have and she's my second in command she also drinks blood." He tells me.

"She sounds pretty bad ass" I tell him a smirk on my face. To which he chuckles.

"Then there's Cassian he's my general, and I've known him forever, sometimes he can be a pain in the ass. And lastly Azriel he's my spy master and he mostly certainly has smaller wings than me, despite what you were saying earlier."

"I don't know Rhys they looked a bit bigger than yours, I'd watch out there" I tell him a joking smile on my face."

"Did I ever tell you how annoying you are" Rhys tells me, a smirk on his face.

"I know you love me" I say teasing him.

"You're right, I do love you" He says an adoring look in his eyes.

"I love you too" I say, and I finally I can say that knowing it's not the mate bond speaking. It's me.

Okay guys and gals here is another chapter, and this story is finally going to be ending; it only has one or two chapters left. Thank you all so much, and thank you guys for actually reading this story. So please vote, comment, and follow. Until next time bye!!

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