Ch. 8 The truth

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Rhys pov
I watch as Feyre slowly falls asleep. Through the bond I do say 'mine, my mate' but I didn't think she heard me least of all that she would respond like she did. Not that I'm annoyed she did, no I'm extremely happy but I just didn't expect it. But how did she know does she know. Has she felt the mating bond or is it just a coincidence. But let's be serious how is this a coincidence, it's like impossible for that to be a coincidence.
Another thing is why was she acting up all of the sudden. I mean at that moment I was to shocked to say anything, but does she really think that I hate her I mean she has never been more wrong. And while she hasn't been the nicest to me I haven't been all that great. Well here I've treated her great or at least tried, but at the mountain I wasn't to nice. But I get it, it's just natural for her. Or at least until she feels the mating bond. Unless she already has, I mean that would make sense for she said she's mine. But uhh she is just so confusing sometimes she just doesn't make any sense.
Her hair lays- oh my gosh I forgot she is laying on me not that I don't like it but maybe I should actually lay her down. But she just feels to good laying on me so ahh I'll lay her down I don't want to seem desperate. So I lay her down and she looks stunning her hair looks so soft and is just laying is beautifully on the pillow. Her eyelashes are looking so long at the moment so long and so beautiful. She just looks perfect.
I know that I should get up and really I will think about it just you know what, what's the harm in sleeping. Just for a bit just with Feyre. And as I lay down next to her I go and hug her closely to my body. And have her rest her hair on my arm. And then before I know it I fall into that beautiful sleep... with Feyre.
I wake up because I feel Feyre getting up. She sighs pea fully and comfortably. And I know I never want to leave this position it feels so right and I know it is because of the mating bond. But I just never want to move or have her move. Oh I swear I'm hopeless.
"Mmm Rhys, what are you doing in my bed? Are you awoud n my bd." She mumbles
"What did you say, y didn't quite make sense because awoud n bd are not words" I say to her. Uhh she must be so tired, she can't even say correct sentences.
"Mmm frick  you a-hole" she says she must have forgotten our conversation earlier. "Just let me go back to bed Rhys I'm tired, LET ME SLEEP!" She yells
"But Feyre this is one of your last days you can't waste it." I say to her sadness creeping in. I don't know if I'll last even another day without Feyre. Yeah I know for a couple months I hadn't seen her, but that was torture. I felt so useless those days. Only when I really had to do something I would, and even that was terrible. That's one of the reasons that it took so long to rebuild the night court.
" what!! I thought the deal was for two weeks" she says sleepily, she isn't even being sarcastic.
"Feyre we changed it to one week. Remember?" I ask. I know if she was completely awake she would remember but not now.
"Ohh well then just steal me, I'll allow it." She says
This was kinda fun talking to a sleepy Feyre and soon I'll let her get back to this. "Ehat about Tamlin hell like start a war over you" I say
" you're stronger than him.  The night court is stronger than the spring. And I'll be on your team, so don't worry. She says sleepily again.
"Oh okay, but Feyre go to sleep, okay? Can I lay down with you?" I ask this because she'll probably say yes in her tired state.
"Yeah"she says sounding super tired.
And with that we both fall back to sleep. Should've know pin it wouldn't last long though.
"Rhys, RHYS!!!" I hear being yelled at me from who I don't know.
"What?" I ask
"Oh you're awake" I hear Feyre say. I then decide I should probably sit up you know talk face to face. "Umm let me just say sorry for how I acted earlier, that was probably  annoying." She says. And ohh she is being such a fool. Thinking I minded, really I thought it was kinda cute and funny. Wait was she talking about the crying or the sleep talking thing where she was awake but just barely.
"Sorry about the crying or the sleep talking" I ask
"Oh umm crying, WAIT I WAS SLEEP TALKING!!!?" She yells. I'm pretty happy though hat she is comfortable talking to me, not that I would ever let her know this. But she really seems to have opened up a lot.
" uhh yes?? Oh Feyre don't worry you didn't say anything to bad. Just that it was okay if I stole you from spring, you know nothing much." I say with a mischievous smirk.
Oh it was so fun playing with her feeling and other things of course.
"W.H.A.T. You lie, I would never ever say that. You lier. Uhh hoe could you say such awful and horrific things." She says
"Feyre first no need to sound out the vowels in what I know how to spell it. Also I didn't lie, why would I??? I ask with a secretive smirk.
"Uhh will you just be truthful for once? I- I mean hey do you always have to be like this?" She says this with tears in her eyes. And my only thoughts are is it her time of the month, cuz it sure seems like it?
"Uh I really sorry Feyre I didn't mean it, please don't cry. I don't know what to do. Uhh please I'm sorry" I say pleading with her not to be sad.
"Ha I caught you" she says with a smirk, "what you think I was actually crying, Rhys I thought you knew Better than that, I mean really."
"Well Feyre you were crying quite a bit earlier , you got to just let it go. I mean it's one of your last days here and I get it, you don't want to leave" I say with a silent smirk.
"Ha, hahahaha. Wow Rhys are you like a comedian I mean, you sure know how to make me laugh. If your not maybe try it out I bet you'd be a great comedian." She says, " but Rhys I'm serious  I meant it I'm sorry for all that I've done to you"
"Well Feyre I bet I've done worse out you" I counter.
"No you've been great to me here and I haven't returned the favor. For that I'm sorry also" she says.
"Feyre let's spend out time good right now that will return the favor, just being with you does." I tell her. And it really does but at the same time it's torture, I always want to be with her yes,mount I want to live her in well other ways, not just as friends. It's hard but huh I'll live.
" I agree completely Rhys, let's spend out time greatly now wouldn't want you to be too sad when I leave." She says.
"Haha, sure" I say.
Well I want to end it here but well I owe it to you guys and gals.
"So what do you want to do?" I ask her.
"I don't know"she says, "we can play a game?" She says
"What game," I say wearily. This could be bad and test my self control.
"Well we can play a game where I go and jump  on you and you of course let me, then you let me beat you up" she says with a childish bright smile"
"But Feyre to do that you first have to get really Close to me, then you have to hurt my perfect face. And lastly do you even know how to hurt me correctly." I point out.
" well I do want to get close to you. But I do want to hurt your so called perfect face. And lastly I'm HURT, you think I don't know how to fight" she says with a perfect pout that just makes me want to kiss her senseless.
"Well Feyre maybe mortals you knows but fey you knows that you can't do shit, I mean do you even know how to control your magic?" I ask her knowing I won.
"Rhys" she says with a growl, then right after that she pounces on mr and pushes me on my back with her on top of me, and frick I want to kiss her so badly. But uhh I shouldn't but right now she's so irresistible that I just can't resist. And before I know it I'm leaning up to her and she's leaning down. And then I'm in heaven her lips touch mine and then we're kissing and it's great. Huh, no but really it feels like I'm in heaven, maybe like I'm on cloud nine. And I never want this to end. But to soon it has to. We slowly break apart. Both of us panting and even though It was more of a sweet kiss she left me breathless. And all I can think is how she's amazing. That's when I break the silence, should I tell her? I probably should so she knows it was probably  gonna happen anyway.
'Feyre I have something, umm' I start to stutter when speaking through the bond
'Rhys just tell me are we umm mates?'  She shad much calmer than me.
'I uh yes" i said
'Rhys it's okay I already suspected this. Yesterday I felt it so true and real.' She says but it sounds as if some thing is worrying her, 'what will I tell Tamlin and Lucien, I know I don't feel anything for Tamlin and Lucien but they deserve to know. And I still have to go back, but maybe just for a bit, I don't think I'll last long without you."
'Me too Fey me to' I say. Yeah so I gave her a nickname but it's nice for now.
Okay everyone that's chapter 8 and you know what the truth is out sorry if you don't like the way Feyre found out but I couldn't think of anything good. Also now that she knows a lot of my ideas can come into play. Yay, hope you liked it and please vote and comment!!

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