Ch. 21 The Finale

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Feyre pov
War, it can never be considered a good thing. We had already sent out word to all the other courts, with me announcing that I am Rhys mate.  Several courts had just wanted to remain neutral. Only the autumn court had sided with Tamlin. But the winter court was fine with helping us, apparently having some past tensions with the spring court.
I was going to be fighting a bit in the war, I'm not fully trained but I know some stuff. And I can shape shift a bit, hopefully it will be enough. I just don't want to be weak anymore.
Apparently both sides had agreed it will be a straight up war, I'm just wondering how in the world Tamlin got the autumn court to fight for him.
The door opens suddenly, and Rhys comes strolling in. "Are you ready?" He ask me, concern on his face.
"We're going right now?" I ask him, surprised. I thought we were going to have more time before hand.
"We're getting the army ready to march out right now, and we're going too" he tells me.
"Oh" I can't believe that this is happening so quickly. I don't know why but I thought we would have more time. "Okay, yeah let me just change into something more appropriate."
"Okay, be quick, or were leaving without you" he teases, but I can't find it in myself to laugh, I crack a smile but it doesn't reach my eyes.
He walks over to me, his legs taking long strides causing him to get to me quickly. He reaches out and wraps me up in a hug. "After this we're free" he reminds me.
I smile, he's right after all. We'll be free after this.

The sun was setting when we finally got to our destination. It was just a big open field, trees littered the area behind us but we aren't supposed to be fighting back there.
Many of us in the night court were quite annoyed that we had to bring our courts into this. But the winter court, and others were more than ready to help, nevertheless we only needed to winter court with us.
With us stood the Illyrian warriors, and just some general soldiers from the night court itself. We did not get the help of the court of nightmares, mainly because we didn't need or want to get them. We also, as I stated before, have the winter court with us.
I walked over to Rhys, this is going to be starting soon so I need the glamour put on me.
"Are you ready?" he asks me.
"For the glamour?"
"And for the war"
Am I ready for the war? I don't know. All I know is that I have to be ready.
"Hopefully" I tell him.
All of the sudden I feel magic wash over me like I just stood under a waterfall. The glamour.
"So how do I look?" I ask him
"Well you look normal to all of us"
"Okay but how do I look to everyone else?"
He grabs a nearby mirror, before giving it to me. " see for yourself" he tells me.
I grab the mirror and look at myself. I was taller, and paler. I had a similar facial structure, but my eyes were sharper than before, my face more sculpted. My eyes were a dark gray color, but it was my hair that really stood out. My hair flowed down to my waist in soft curls, however it was the color of a galaxy. It was gorgeous.
"Well, not meaning to sound arrogant, but I look good" I say, a smirk growing on my face.
Rhys shrugs, " I liked you better before".
I laugh at that.
It was getting darker now, and the other side had finally come.
"Just so you know Feyre, when you're like this you're name is Starlight" Rhys tells me quickly, " now let's go"
I nod, it's time. I walk forward toward the front with Mor. "Are you ready?" I ask her.
"As ready as I'll ever be for war, this stuff isn't fun" she tells me, " before I forget here you go" she hands me a dagger.
"I don't think I'll need this" I tell her, " I'll be in another form the whole time."
"Will your clothes rip with your other form?" She asks me.
" I don't know" I tell her, "possibly"
"We'll hold onto this, we'll have Rhys do something right now."
We both take a quick walk toward Rhys, this is going to get started soon so we can't make this long.
"Rhys!" Mor calls out, "make it so Feyre will still have clothes when she shifts back."
He glances back at us and seems to do something, so I'm guessing he did it.
"We have to get to the front so let's go" Mor tells me.
For the first part we just all stood there, Rhys and Azriel breaking their shields. And then trying to break ours, unsuccessfully. And it was at that moment in the dead of night when the fight broke out.
Both sides trying to get to each other as fast as possible. Our Illyrian warriors were flying ahead getting ahead and instantly taking out other faeries.
Mor ran off to more than likely fight, leaving me alone.
I had to shift, and so I did. It was somewhat of a painful experience, as my whole body changed to take the shape of an animal.
When I finished shifting I stretched my body, before jumping off into battle. I was a snow leopard. I was way bigger than normal though. Usually their around four feet, I'm double that, and I have sharper fangs, so don't mess with me.
I jump to the first person, tearing my teeth through them, reminding myself the whole time that this will be my freedom.
We were just waiting for them to give up, we didn't want to kill them all. I saw Lucien amongst them all, and instantly I shifted back, careful to avoid everyone.
"Lucien" I shout to him. He turns confusion written on his face. "It's me, Feyre"
A look of understanding passes over him, " I have to take you" he tells me looking sad.
"No you don't, you can join us. Or at least leave the fight" I tell him.
"Feyre I can't"
"Yes you can!" I push.
"I'm sorry" he tells me.
"If you were sorry, you wouldn't do this" I say. It was at that moment that I make my decision. I shift quickly before jumping on him, pushing him to the ground. He responds quickly trying to get me off, but I'm to heavy and strong for him. The next thing I do will have to be done in the blink of an eye. I shift back quickly, grabbing him and hitting his head as hard as I possibly can. He goes limp, knocked out cold.
I leave him there hoping he won't wake up any time soon. I shift before running back into battle. Eventually I see him. Tamlin.
I know I can't take him myself, unless maybe I stay in this form then I might have a chance. I should just lead him to Rhys. I jump in front of him my tail swinging around. His eyes grow wide in surprise.
I shift back, before smirking "please so follow me Tamlin" I purr. Before shifting back land running off.
He follows me, just as I knew he would. But is is because he think I'm leading him to Rhys, or because he's trying to kill me? I guess it doesn't matter. I hear him shift into his other form, guess he got tired of trying to follow me on two feet.
He races after me, to bad for him but I'm faster.
I could see Rhys in the distance.
"Come to me, Tamlin right behind me" I tell him through the bond, "but let me see if I can handle him".
"Okay but I'll be right there, be careful".
"I'll try"
I take a deep breathe, and I turn. He stops suddenly almost running into me. Instantly I play pounce onto him digging me teeth into his fur. He retaliated trying to bite me, but I move off. We stand there on four legs, both snarling, he roars before attacking. I jump to the side my tail swishing all around. I snarl and then jump instantly crashing into him. Me teeth dig into him again, but this time he gets me as well. I snarl, jumping back before shifting back. I stand there blood dripping down my side.
"He's all yours Rhys" I purr out before smirking.
He snarls before shifting back. "Who are you?!" He shouts at me.
"Your enemy" I say with a sneer on my face. It's at that moment when Rhys knows to take the glamour off of me. "Or maybe you know me better as Feyre"
He gasps before saying, "Feyre, you can still come with me."
I chuckle, "no thanks Tamlin, I am perfectly happy here".
I shift before running off, my side literally feels like it's killing me. "Can you take care of him" I ask Rhys through the bond.
"Of course"
I get back to our side, before going over to a tent and sitting down. I close my eyes for a second, wanting to fall asleep. And that's when I hear it. Someone shouting, not one of pain. No one of victory. I run out of the tent. Both sides stopped fighting. I blink, and I see Amren come over to me. She stand right by me side looking over at the now rising sun, "they surrendered, we won" she says.
We're done.
We won.
We're free.
Hey everyone it's shadowdragon, obviously. So yeah we only have one more chapter after this. I know I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry for that. Let me just keep this short. But thank you so much for reading.

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