Ch. 6 Tasting the skies

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Okay first of guys, and gals, I just wanted to say sorry for not posting any chapters of this story since February. But because of someone commenting on the last chapter saying that they wanted me to continue this, I will. Without any further waiting here is ch. 6.
Feyre's pov
I was probably overjoyed right now. I don't  know why but I couldn't believe that Rhys would take me out flying. Sometimes it seems like he completely changed from under the mountain. And you know what he probably has. He had to be amaranths whore for so long, and that damages people. But right now there is no point on thinking of that. Today I'm going to have fun, not go and sulk. It doesn't take us that long to go and finish eating we don't really talk much. Hmm I'm too busy being excited about this.
Rhys Pov (sorry about the quick change of pov 😔 )
We both finish eating and I don't quite know if I'm happy or worried about that. I mean all I've ever wanted is to have Feyre wrapped up in my arms, even if I just found out about us being mates, I mean I did have my assumptions. En again I'm worried about my self control, now don't get me wrong I have great self control, I mean me being such a cool total boss I have that factor, but holding Feyre like that, and being so close to her... well let's just say that's kinda pushing it.
So Feyre already got changed so I don't have to worry about her changing but now I don't know where to like take her flying. Uhh maybe I'm over thinking this I mean there are plenty of places I could take her flying not just one. But should I start her off at like a cliff of a mountain like I could teleport myself to umm mount dragoscull that's a pretty cool place and has quite a beautiful view. Or maybe I'll just take her to some cliff in the woods I could do that, yeah that seems very safe.
"So are you ready to go?" I ask her
"Uhh yeah I think, just make sure you don't drop me gotcha?" She says
"Yes ma'am, please Feyre have more trust in me, just remember how awesome I am." I say to her but while I'm saying that I think to myself that I could never drop her.
"Hmm I don't know you're really not that awesome, I mean you will be lucky if you can even get a girlfriend, With how you act and look, I mean you're lucky I spend some time with someone like you" she says
"Hah you should be honored of my presence" I tell her. But really I am quite lucky that I get to spend time with her. And little does she know I'm only looking at her for a relationship, it is either her or nobody and that's just the plains truth.
I go and teleport us both there using the shadows. Really I should have her start practicing on her magic, and that stuff. " ready Feyre darling" I tell her. But at the same time I'm just getting really excited.
" hold on Rhys" she says " let me enjoy this beautiful view first"
When she firsts says hold on I panic thinking she is going to back out. Then I hear her say let me enjoy this beautiful view and all that's going through my head right now is that you're more beautiful then the view huh way more beautiful. She is easily more beautiful. But then I think, I see and opportunity hmm. " unfortunately Feyre I can't see the view I mean I would need a mirror to see myself. And you are saying how I'm the beautiful view, am I not?" I say
"Hah you the beautiful view in your dreams Rhys, did you not here what I said earlier about how you're going to be lucky if you will ever get a girl with looks like yours. " she says still admiring the night sky.
" oh whatever stop being so mean to me, you don't want me to cry do you??" I say in mock sadness. " but I'm being serious Feyre are you ready now??"
" yeah, yeah I think I am. Just don't drop me okay.😌"
" again Feyre and for reallsies this time, I would never drop you" I say while picking her up in my arms. The instant I do this I feel an electric shock go through me, and then a nice warm and cozy love feeling goes through me. I keep her in my arms and I can only think that she is so warm and small. So fragile it seems, and while I know she is anything but fragile she definitely seems it right now. I have this really strong feeling to go and just up and kiss her right now and protect her, but the logical part of my mind is literally chanting no, no, no, no and you know what I'm going to listen to it right now.
So I go and take my wings out and start to gently flap them lifting us into the air at a slow but steady pace. That seems like pretty good pace. It also gives her a pretty good view of everything around her. Of course while she is enjoying the view I'm enjoying the wonderful feeling of me having my arms around her. Which really does feel quite wonderful. I'm also enjoying the feeling of her warmth and her scent she smells divine like strawberries and night with a hint of stardust. And you know what it smells great. The greatest thing I've ever smelled.  I start to go faster so we can get higher quicker and once we are at a good height I actually start to fly around and stuff like that. All the while enjoying this great feeling that's growing in me. It feels like I'm in heaven right now, and if holding her brings this feeling I can only imagine how good other things might feel.
' enjoying the view ' I ask her using the bond to communicate.
'Yes yes I am it's beautiful right now, all the stars and trees and beautiful lights, it is just pure goodness. Hmm it seems like I'm starting to like the night court more and more.'
I smirk ' yes it usually does have that affect on people, they just can't resist the  beautiful view.'
' hmm good to know 'she says in the bond.
After that we both stay quiet for a while just enjoying the view and all that. I didn't even notice the time but from what I'm seeing Feyre is looking pretty tired. It doesn't take long before I notice that she fell asleep in my arms. And I start to feel so protective over her at that moment. It feels like I'm just now willing to let go of her.
So I start to fly her home, she must be pretty tired though, the reason I fly us back is just because well teleporting might wake her up, and we couldn't have that. But if I'm being serious it's just because I want to hold her in my arms for a bit longer. It doesn't take us that long to get back and when we finally get here I start to carry her up t her room, all the while ignoring smirks and confused looks form the people around me. They don't matter only Feyre does.
When I get to her room I lay her down gently on her bed and I really shouldn't I know I shouldn't but, I do. I go and lay down with her, I'll get punishment tomorrow today or tonight I just wan tot enjoy lying either her and being with her. That's all I care about right now. I can feel as I slowly slip into sleep but right as I fall asleep I mutter " I love you Feyre"  because guess what I do I really do.
And that's when I hear it I hear her say " I love you too" and you know what maybe she just said it because she was asleep, and maybe she was imagining  Tamlin, but I couldn't stop that smile that spread to my face, as I fell asleep probably looking like a fool.
Okay there it is guys and gals, I just wanted to apologize so much for not updating in forever. But I promise now that summer is out I will be able to update more often. So hope you guys and gals liked it. And please, please, please comment and vote, also follow would love it if you followed me too. ❤️😊😊

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