Ch.13 halloween special part

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Mor's pov
"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS WE HAVE WORK TO DO!!!!!" I shout out. Seriously what are these people doing? We have a party to get to work on and they're just lying in bed. Did they forget? Noooo God forbid they forget. Well anyhow they all have to get up. It's only 5:39 am, that's not to early.
"Mor SHUT UP, let us go back to sleep its 5:40, seriously woman." Nesta says back.
"NO, we have work to do," I say what is she crazy we only have so much time, because the party is starting at 6:25 pm.
"Mor please let us sleep" Feyre pleads with me. Uhh don't they understand NOOOOOO.
"God woman NOOOOOO" I say " N. O it's quite simple really"
"Uhh 5 more minutes please 😫😩😫😩" cassian pleads with me.
"You know what Mor I'm ready" Elain says finally someone.
"Thank you Elain finally someone" I thank her.
"Fine, fine were getting up more" Amren says. Thanks you I mean finally. Was that really so hard? No.
--------------TIME SKIP---------/---
"Okay great now that you're all awake we have to separate into groups. Cassian, Nesta, and Amren make sure everyone in Valeris knows about the party we are having everyone needs to know" I tell them.
" why us" cassian says
"Because I said so, now Elain, Feyre, I will stay here and get everything ready like cook, and clean, then set up once we have the decorations. Okay Rhys see what you can get from here at velaris. And lastly Azriel go to the human realm and see if you can get anything there." I told them All.
"Okay" they all say.
"Okay let's all get going then" I say.
With that some leave to do what they have to. And Elain me and Feyre stay here.
Rhys pov
I leave our place to go get stuff. Really I don't really know what I'm getting. But I have a good idea. Candy, and stuff that has black and orange. Easy right?
I go and fly to the first shop. Hopefully this won't be too hard. But I'm a high lord, I can do anything?
As I walk up to one of the attendants I notice there isn't much Halloween stuff here.
"Excuse me I'm here to buy some stuff" I say to the attendant. Seriously did I just say stuff, uhh can't I be more specific. Well no one here knows of Halloween so what do I do?
"What type of stuff are you looking for" she asks me.
"Uhh umm ehh candy?" I say, or well more of ask.
"Candy? We don't sell that here this is a clothing store sir" she says. Oh My God😱😱 I just made the biggest fool out of myself. This is a clothing store for Christ's sake. What am I doing. God I wonder if anyone else is having better luck than me?
Cassian's pov
"Why do I have to do this the boring job  😫😫." I say
"God cassian just get over it already you're annoying us all"  Nesta says
"Just shut up will you complaining is comforting" I tell her.
"Stop being an idiot." Nesta condemns
"Will you just shut up for once?" I ask her
"No, someone has to stop you from speaking with your annoying voice" she says. Now that's just rude. I mean, uhh just plain rude.
"God will you two just stop for once?" Amren asks
"Shut up Amren" Nesta and I both say.
"Finally they agree on something" Amren says. And I bet that if Azriel was here he'd just nod his head. Ever the quite one he is.
"Look we are here" Nesta points out. Yet another house yay. Note the sarcasm.
As we head over to yet another house we knock on the door.
*knock*  *knock*
Two people answer the door. A man and a woman, don't even know them so why are we inviting them again?
"Hey you are mr. And Mrs. Ice correct?" Amren asks.
"Yes we are why are you asking" they say. God how long will this take.
"Hey we are inviting you to a party I hope you can come" Amren says.
"Yea-" the two people start to say but are cut of by Nesta saying
" you two better come or I'll kill you" and she says that really threateningly
"Uhh" they both say.
This is going to take a while.
Azriels pov
As I make my way to the human realm I notice that there are win fact a lot of decorations up then again not to surprising.
I walk around town my wings are covered and I'm trying to blend in as much as possible. I head to the nearest store that has decorations. I enter and see tons of them fake cats and bats. Pumpkins fake ones. And other stuff like decorated table cloths. And all that type of stuff.
So what should I get? Everything? Probably Mor will most likely want everything. Well then it's decided everything!!
I go up to the nearest shelf and just start gathering everything I can get. Maybe I should get a cart but, ehh I won't need one I can just carry it all.
        Time skip
I was wrong ohh so wrong. I can't carry it all. Currently I am walking out of the 5th store and I'm DYING. I can't do this. God why am I making such a fool out of myself. Me Azriel am making a fool out of himself. The day has finally come.
         Feyre's pov
Help me, oh God help me. So much work to be done. I'm a freaking high lady and I can't even do this Gahhh.
"FEYRE ARE YOU SLACKING OFF AGAIN!!!" Mor shouts at me causing me to flinch. Mor is working us into a over drive. I'm DYING, I never that the day would come.
"I'm to young to die" I shout out. And bam yeah you hear that. That's me falling to the ground.
Well frick Rhys, I'm tired I'd rather lay down. " I'm sorry Rhys but I'm tired" I shout out.
"Uhh Feyre get up" mor says. She's starting to get really annoyed with me.
"Feyre please will you get up" Elain asks.
But all I do is groan in reply.
"Feyre if you don't get up this instant you'll regret it" Elain says
"Okay okay I'm up" I say "just don't hurt me"  I plead.
"Good that you're up Feyre. I'm glad we came to an understanding.
Okay everyone there it is. The second part. I wish could do the third today but I'm kinda getting told by my parents that they're gonna take my iPad away, if I continue. So sorry!!!
But by tomorrow the third part will be out. Just not tonight. I hope you liked it!!!!

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