#27 Sea World With Darcy

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Ever since she was younger Darcy's been fascinated with ocean wildlife. Knowing that, we figured Sea World would be the perfect place to spend her birthday weekend. She seems to be enjoying herself so far.

The air smelt of chlorine and sweets. As we continue walking down the path, the bright sun mercilessly beats down on us. Good thing we put on sunscreen. We would've been burnt by now if we hadn't. It was well over eighty degrees and I didn't need the weather app to tell me that.

 It was well over eighty degrees and I didn't need the weather app to tell me that

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All three of us were wearing sunglasses and matching baseball caps. Yes, we may look like the biggest dorks in the park, but who cares. We're from New York, so we're not used to this type of heat. Florida belongs to its own category when it comes to whether.

Something in the distance catches my attention, the performance arena. I knew Darcy would love to see the whales preform. "D, look up ahead," I tell her with a smile.

When she spots what I'm talking about she excitedly claps her small hands together

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When she spots what I'm talking about she excitedly claps her small hands together. "We have to go there, guys! Please tell me we're going there. If we don't go there I'm literally gonna die," she says in one big breath. There was a hopeful smile stretched across her face.

Of course we're going to go. After all, it is her birthday. Plus, as a mother there's something so rewarding about making your child happy. I'd do anything for her in a heartbeat. She was my world.

Both Harry and I laugh at her cute reaction. "We're gonna go, gumdrop," Harry assures her, scooping her into his arms. "What would a trip to Sea World be without seeing them preform?" He asks in a quizzing tone, making her giggle.

"Boring!" She exclaims, wrapping her arms around his neck.

I smile. It's a genuine one.

End of imagine.

Don't forget to V O T E!

Fun fact: When I was younger I cried in the gorilla house at the zoo because one of them started banging on the window.

Thanks for the support! It means a lot. <3

-1nfinityDreamer ;)

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