Chapter Nineteen

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From the Author: Don’t usually put notes in my stories, but thought you would appreciate this one. The memory Jess has of her and Tom in the shower was not in the original story line – in fact, none of this chapter was.

08/02/13 a friend sent me a new Only Lovers Left Alive pic of Tom completely shirtless from below the navel up – can’t even tell if he’s wearing pants! If you’ve seen the picture you know PRECISELY what it does to a woman. While Scattered Seeds Tom does not have the long, dark Boho hair that Adam of OLLA does – think more like grown-out Coriolanus hair – S.S. Tom certainly does have the bod. He’s been working in the African sun, after all! #Muscles That said, unable to keep the burning image out of my mind, I had to exorcise it by transferring it into the story.

I think it worked out nicely, actually. Really helps to develop the mounting attraction that these two keep denying themselves the pleasure of making good on.

Hope you enjoy – I know for a fact that Jess did ;) Will get back to the regular storyline in Chapter Twenty.

~ J.

Tom spotted Jess ahead of him the next morning on the dirt lane that ran through the center of the UNICEF colony. It was still very early, and hardly anyone else was stirring in the predawn. Tom slowed his jog as she approached.

“Morning, Darling!” he greeted Jess, continuing to move about in place in order to keep his heart rate up. “What are you doing out so early?”

Jess tossed a thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the river. “Wanted to check on the trenches before grabbing a bite, and then heading to the clinic. They’re just about finished. Should wrap up this morning, actually.”

Tom frowned a little at the recollection that Jess would not be around all day; that she would be with… Samuel.

“Oh,” he feigned a casual tone, but then hope budded in his chest. “Doesn’t that mean they are ready for you install pump one today?”

Jess nodded. “Yeah, I could probably get that one finished up, but the Doc needs me so I’ll focus on that tomorrow.”

Damn, Tom swore.

He admired Jess for keeping her commitment to Samuel, but Tom despised the fact that the doctor would have her all to himself.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall….

Tom was growing even more impatient to claim Jess as his own.

Especially after last night….

She asked if he would join her for breakfast, so Tom more than willingly abandoned the rest of his run to walk with Jess to the cafeteria. After they got their plates of canjeero - the staple pancake-like morning bread of the Somali people - along with cups of shaah, Tom and Jess took their seats across from one another at a table.

Tom dumped a bowl of porridge with butter and sugar on top of his canjeero, and Jess quietly studied him while he mixed it all up.

Their night before in the shower kept playing through her mind. When Jess saw Tom jogging this morning the erotic sensations she managed to fight off in the steam of the bathroom came rushing back full-force.

Clad only in his low-hanging swim trunks, Tom dunked himself under the running water in front of her. All though he promised to be right behind them, Luke was nowhere to be seen, and Jess nervously debated on simply letting Tom have the shower to himself just this once.

“What are you waiting for?” Tom asked after he opened his eyes and pushed the water back through his hair. “It feels so good.”

She knew he was speaking of the refreshing shower, but Jess’s mind and body kept screaming that something – or rather, someone – else in the bathroom was sure to feel even better. Against her better judgment, Jess allowed her eyes to linger on Tom’s body as he moved about under the cascading water.

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