Chapter Twenty-Six

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Bayahow lay seven kilometers outside of Jowhar. The UNICEF SUV, packed full with five, pulled into the center of the small village.

Erasto was beyond excited.

Not only would Jess and her friends finally meet his brother and sister, Erasto would be able to show the people of his village the Westerners they’d heard so many good things about.

Word of the work the UNICEF team was doing at Kulmis Primary and Secondary School along with the new water pump project and other various things had the locals brimming with humble appreciation. The public service announcements Luke worked with Tom on reached Bayahow via radio, and several of the villagers eagerly assembled to meet the famous Englishman.

A young mother with her child strapped to her chest in a makeshift papoose spoke to Tom in Somali.

Tom looked to Erasto for translation.

“She say she wash her and all her child’s hands with soap and water now because of you,” Erasto’s broken English explained.

Tom’s brow rose in delight. He nodded and smiled at the woman. “Very good!”

Jess stood back with Luke observing the crowd that circled around Tom.

They all tried to speak at once, so Tom patiently made it a point to address each person individually. Erasto quickly became his link to the natives, and Tom was grateful that the young man’s English lessons had come along so well.

Harry busied about the group snapping several photographs and moving people into positions for formal portraits.

The photographer was in his element.

“Guess he has this affect wherever he goes,” Jess noted about the attention Tom always drew.

“Yes,” Luke agreed with a grin. “Certainly has a way about him, doesn’t he?”

Luke was curious about Jess’s feelings for Tom, and he studied her profile as she watched his client interact with the villagers.

Jess smiled warmly at Tom’s tenderness towards the locals. She leaned against the grill of the truck and crossed her arms over her chest, content to simply sit back and let Tom work his magic.

Luke honestly thought Jess would be a good fit for Tom.

His initial concern that a romance between the two of them would not last once they returned to London was quickly fading.  

Tom loved her; and if Luke knew anything about his friend it was that Tom Hiddleston did not give all his heart to just anything, or anyone.

Luke was aware Tom’s side of things, but the publicist was unsure of the American’s intentions for his adopted brother.

Luke kept searching for an opportunity to talk to Jess in private, but lately that just didn’t seem to happen.

“Please,” Erasto invited after the people finally dispersed and Tom was free to join them once more. “Meet my sister and brother.”

Erasto led them to a thatched hut on the far side of the village. A piece of material was moved aside to allow them entrance.

“This is Aasiya,” the Somali proudly announced.

A teenage girl looked up from the blanket she was folding and smiled at them. She was thin but her eyes were vibrant and her complexion was healthy. She offered them a small bow, and turned to Erasto when he spoke to her in their native tongue.

Erasto’s face twisted into a frown and his voice grew firm with irritation.

Tom, Luke, Harry, and Jess looked to one another with concern.

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