Chapter Two

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The redhead came and went, and Tom was not impressed in the slightest.

When the mouse girl entered the room she blushed crimson at the sight of him, and Tom softened at her shyness. He smiled at her and asked a few easy, unobtrusive questions, and although Tom felt tender affection for the tiny thing he did not believe she had the tenacity to make in two months in the field.

Two applicants remained, and the blonde was a definite no. That left the American, and Tom held his breath as the assistant went to fetch her.

If she didn't prove to be a viable option, the team would go back to their lists, muddle through them, and select an entry acceptable for the contingency plan.

Tom pondered if it were perhaps better that way; maybe his grand idea just wasn't meant to be.

The door opened and in she walked.

Michael was the first to take notice, sitting up in his chair and looking her over. It was his job to spot attractive, interesting looking people, and he wondered if she had any experience in acting or modeling. If she didn't pan out for the UNICEF trip, perhaps he could sign her on as a client. At least then this entire tribulation wouldn't be a complete loss.

"Jessica Davis?" Luke asked eagerly, standing to greet her.

He flashed her a large, encouraging smile as he offered his hand, hoping it would bring her good luck. She returned the gesture with a warm, friendly beam of her own and shook his hand.

"I'm Luke Windsor."

Tom had watched her closely as she came across the room, noting that she carried herself well. After her defense of the little woman in the lobby, he was quite sure the American was confident, but she did not strike him as narcissistic. Now standing in front of them, Tom rose after Luke and waited to be introduced; something he had not done for any of the other entrants.

"Jessica, this is Tom Hiddleston," Luke said, motioning to his left.

Tom noticed Luke's goofy grin and the way he seemed to fawn over the applicant, and gave him a look. Luke quickly collected himself and cleared his throat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jessica," Tom spoke, extending his hand.

When she placed hers in his, Tom noted that, while much smaller than his own, the lady's hand was strong and she matched his grip easily.

"The pleasure's all mine, believe me," Jessica answered with a nod.

Tom detected her accent once more, her voice smooth and somewhat soothing to his frazzled nerves, and he caught himself grinning at her easy charm much like Luke had.

"Please," he offered, motioning to the table and chair in front of them. "Have a seat."

Jessica slipped behind the table and pulled out the chair, scooting it forward a bit after she sat down. She smoothed out her dark brown dress slacks and left her palms on the tops of her thighs; her eyes scanning over the panel of judges in front of her. To her own surprise she was not as nervous as she thought she would be, despite the fact that she just actually touched Tom Hiddleston.

"Jessica, I'm Louise O'Shea," a young, pretty woman with a sweet face spoke. "I'm an Ambassador Relations Manager, and part of the Communication Team with UNICEF UK. We'd like to view your entry video with you, and then ask you a few questions. Will that be alright?"

"Sure," Jessica agreed. "Fine by me."

Louise picked up a remote control and pointed it at a flat screen television mounted on a nearby wall. The screen came to life, and the applicant flushed when she saw her own face appear.

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