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“When I arrived at Mckenderick high I never thought how dramatic it would be, I thought I was an average teenage girl, I had a mom and dad and an older sister. It was the norm but after walking through the front door of mckenderick high my life changed completely.”

Meet Madison, she is an average teenage, the only thing that makes her different about everyone else is the amount of times she has changed school its like she has never liked staying in one place always moving, changing. She never was the popular one at school the maximum amount of friends she had at one point was one Kevin Barnes... They stayed in contact a text from each side once in a while but it wasn't anything more.

She isn't a girly-girl nor a tom-boy to be really honest she was nothing like that she had a soft heart and she probably had her heart on her sleeve most of the time but she never wanted to show that side she wanted to be invisible it was easier that way for her and everyone else...

Massive thanks to you for reading this, it means all lot to me... if you are interested carry on reading :) please comment on what you think. This is my first story on wattpad so it may be set out in a weird way sorry in advanced. THANK YOU 

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