chapter 2:Home Sweet Home

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The school bell rang... My first day FINALLY over, it was ok better than some of the other first days I had experienced.

I walked along the un-even pavement, keeping my eyes to the ground not making any eye contact at all. Half way home and my sister caught up with me. “Maddie!” she shouted across the road, I turned around seeing her face in a fluster as she was jogging across the road to meet me on the other side. “Hi sis” I said.

“so! How was your first day then?”

“it was ok, the usual” I said looking up to see her face expression, “how about you?”

“oh mine! it was amazing” she squealed, “i had so much fun, everyone is so nice here I hope we can stay a little longer” oh yeah we are probably going to change schools in a few months again.

“well thats good then, I hope we can stay here as well its allot better than the other schools”

“yeah and the boys are so cute here!” she said while pressing the button for the lift. I forgot to mention at the moment we are living in an apartment. Its pretty big considering we are in the suburbs of London. Our apartment has 3 bedrooms and one bathroom with an open plan living/kitchen/office. The only thing was that it was on the 43 level, pretty high up, but I guess it was better than living on the streets as some people do.

I opened the apartment door with the one key, that was meant to go to Caroline but she gave it to me. No one was home yet, not much of a surprise our parents work from 9 till' 6 so we had a few hours before they would come back. Most of our furniture was still un-packed in shabby cardboard boxes, which where all stacked across the living room-kitchen wall. “home sweet home” Caroline said with a sigh, she was right all the houses we had moved into where more like houses, rooms we just ate and slept in and that was all. But this place was different, I don’t know why, it felt more homelier than the other houses we had moved into. “yeah, I guess” I responded after clicking out of my train of thought... I walked off into my small rectangular bedroom, it had one small window, it felt a little like prison, the window was really high up as well so sort of screw the part about the 'breathtaking view'. My walls where just an egg shell white colour, notice the JUST it was so plain! All I had in my room was a small bed, a mirror that I hung before school and about 20 boxes of all my stuff from my other bedrooms. It was better than nothing and better than sharing with my sister because that would kill so much!

I went out to the fridge in the kitchen and got a can of coke and a packet of crisps and went back to my room. I got my laptop out put my head phones in and wrote on my blog like I did everyday.

“hello” someone shouted as I herd the front door closed, it was my mum and dad back from work, how time passes. “hey” my sister shouted back from her room.

“where are you two?” dad said slightly alarmed

“here” my sister responded, all I herd was my sisters door open and close, her room was next to mine and all that parted the two rooms was a thin plaster boarded wall so you could hear everything that was happening in each others bedrooms (not like that you dirty minded people XD ). I moved my laptop of my knees onto the bed and took my head phones out, I stood up and brushed the crumbs away from my school shirt. I opened the door and walked into the living room-kitchen “hello darling” my mum said looking in my direction, “didn’t you take off your uniform, i'm sure I told you” she complained,

“yeah but i'm lazy” I mumbled shuffling to the sofa, “what's for dinner?” I asked quickly changing the subject. “MacDonald's I guess since the oven isn't working yet” mum said looking at dad

“oh yeah I need to fix that! I'll do that after dinner” dad exclaimed,

“you better” mum responded while grabbing her purse and opening the door, “what do you want?” she asked. “the usual” we all responded instantly.

After dinner I went back to my bedroom with my mc flurry, shovelling it into my mouth and listening to music, soon I fell asleep, seriously I cant remember what happened to a full description.

sorry for the boring chapters at the moment i promise it will get ALLOT more exciting. Thank you for reading. still need to work on the book cover, also sorry for the short chapters I'm just getting ready to write allot more later. PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE, SHARE, FOLLOW ETC. 

Love you lots SOPH

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