Chapter 1. A Fresh Start

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I pushed the entrance door open. A new school huh? I'm use to changing schools now its my fourth time this year. Its not my fault its just my parents work and I don’t like things the same for too long they need to change often, and I guess school is on that list to. I never really settle in or make friends i'm lets say socially awkward, well I am sort of I guess I just have a fear of being to attached to something and then suddenly getting torn away from it unexpectedly. The only person that goes through the same thing is my sister, Caroline, we change schools together. Caroline is older than me by nearly three years I'm 15 and my sister is 17 turning 18 soon, soon its only going to be me changing schools she will move away probably to go to university, I don’t blame her leaving i'm going to do the same life at home is just lonely my parents just work.

The door was heavy anyway, as I tried pushing the door open with one arm and attempting to get my tote bag in front of me so it wont get stuck. EPIC FAIL. Well lets just say the door closed on me pushing me against the other door, only some people noticed PHEW well all I heard was a few giggles. Oh well whatever I probably wont be remembered anyway, well at least I hope not I would just rather fade into a crowd its easier, saves the embarrassment anyway.

Class was easy to find, History first GREAT really how depressing talking about how people died in wars, how they where blown to pieces.

“miss i'm uh, the new girl” I said plainly, the amount of times iv'e said that...

“oh! Are you?” she said in total enthusiasm, her eyes where wide open staring into mine.

“uh, um yeah. where should I sit?”

“umm, you can sit next to Mackenzie Brown, she is sitting next to the window.” without saying another word I sat down next to a girl, she was really stunning, she had black hair that as tied in a pony tail to her side also she had small brown eyes. Although she wore allot of makeup she still looked natural and beautiful.

“hi” she said after some awkward eye contact with the rest of the history class who where all staring at me. “hi, are you Mackenzie?”

“yeah I am what's your name?”

“Madison, but I don't really like it that much so call me Maddie please” I answered back

“really!” she said shocked, “it's a beautiful name how can you not like it!”

“uh... umm” I stuttered slightly taken back by her sudden outburst.

“oh, sorry I get it i'm a little over excited” she confessed.

“a little?” I joked forming a smile on my face. We laughed a little through the lesson, she was ok I guess...

Thank you for reading xxx please comment, like, vote. DO YA THANG! Anyway i haven't thought of how regular I'm going to post a chapter please comment on what you want. Also i was wondering what you want the cover to be I'm going to do some research soon and let my artsy side out.


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