Chapter 4: Meet and Greet

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December 29,2013

Why is my bed fucking wet ?

I woke up to see guys throwing water balloons at me and they were spraying me with water guns.

"RELAX" I laughed immediately jumping out of bed.

"Sorry , it was either me or you." Shawn laughed continuously.

"Shut up" I said grabbing the water gun from him and spraying him with it before he grabbed it back making me run like hell.

"Don't run now! " he laughed running after me.

"I'm okay, thank you tho." I yelled running into the bathroom.

Quickly realizing I ran in here with no clothes , I accepted defeat and texted Mahogany.

Nattie- Lox???


Nattie- can you bring me my suitcase out of my room but beware of the boys! They're armed ! 💦🔫

Lox- You learn quickly , always stay armed !

Nattie- I knew they'd bring Shawn to the dark side 🥲

Lox- Don't worry I got you, besides if they wet this lion's mane I have on my head , I'm throwing. downn. 👹👹👹

Mahogany POV

"Jacobbb.." I looked at him giving the best puppy dog eyes I could create.

"Yes ?" He asked holding the water gun to me from a distance.

"Can I borrow your thingy ?" I batted my eyes.

"Absolutely not."

"Please please please , just this one time. Nash is a demon with these , I gotta have backup." I pleaded to him.

"10 minutes ." He sighed giving me what he called the super soaker 3000.

After what felt like a win , I went to Nattie's room.

"Hey Mattie" I smiled holding the water gun at him as soon as he opened the door.

"Come lox , we're friends , I like you, you like me?" Matt shrugged before running and leaving the door open.

"Here is how this is going to go, I'm going to give her the suitcase and you're not going even think about getting me wet or so help me, I will make sure that you are drenched, and it's on vine. " I smiled at all the boys.

"Ma'am yes ma'am!" Aaron , Nash , Carter , Gilinsky and Johnson all said in unison.

"The only person that could get me wet is my girlfriend" Taylor smirked.

"You're disgusting" I said walking the bathroom as the guys were laughing.

Nataly POV.

"Yes" I asked

"Open the door, It's me." The voice laughed.

"Okay okay " I smiled unlocking the door.

"Your fairy god mother is here." She smiled rolling in my luggage. 

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