Chapter 21: Imagination

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August 6, 2014

"Nataly cone on or we are leaving you"

"Alright chill the fuck out" I yelled at my sister who was downstairs.

" Whatever mom said that she will leave you....she waiting in the car"

"Whatevwe Angel I'm coming jeez"

'Whatever bye"

Then I heard the door slammed closed.

"i swear sometimes i hate her" i mumbled putting my hair up and throwing on my hoodie while running downstairs to the car.

"Finally" Angel mumbled and I rolled my eyes as our parents drove off.


Oh there she goes every moment is the same.

I miss her. Me telling her those really crappy jokes and she laughing. But now its just memories. Memories in my imagination.

I keep craving her.

Naraly just  passed me.

"Knock Knock" I heard a voice.

But I didn't care it was probably just my mom so I just stayed in my place and continued writing my song for her.

"Come in"

" Hey Babe"

Jacky. Oh crap.

"Oh hi" I said siting on my notebook.

Real smootj Shawn.

" What's that"  she said sitting on my lap.

" Nothing just something I've been working on you know other songs"

"Oh yea with you working on your album" she mumbked.

"Whats wrong"

"Nothing....hey there is going to be a talent show this year....for grade 11 and 12"

" Cool im going to sing life of the party"

" Babe no offense but you always sing that song I mean its an amazing song but life of the party abd something big are getting a little old don't you think"

"I guess"

"You can sing the song that you have been writing"

"But its nit done"

"Can I at least know the name"


"Why did you name it that"

Because she's just in my imagination.

"I don't know it just came too me"



"Oh my fucking gosh I missed you so much" she said hugging me.

"What are yoy doing here"

"Back to school shopping." 

"Me too"


"shawn come on"

"mom where are we going"

"School shopping"

" Okay" I said grabbing my hoodie and walking out the room.


"Babe how is this hoodie" I said pointing to navy blue hoodie

"Don't you have that hoodie already"

"No its in black"

"Babe no offense but maybe you should chill on the hoodies I mean youre almost 16 and youre in grade 10"

"But I love hoodies thats like telling Taylor Caniff to stop wearing his bandanas"

"I was just saying"

"And I heard you"

"Okay Im sorry"

" its alright maybe youre right" I smiled kissing her.

"Hey about that song you were writing"

"Yea what about it"

"Is it about an exact person"



My beautiful best friend and how much I love her

"My beautiful girlfriend and how much I love her"

"Aww babe"  she said kissing me and I hugged her.

"Excuse me" I heard a familiar voice said.

And it was her.


My mom said that I needed more pencils so I went to the pencil aisle only to see a happy couple kissing. And they were right in front of my favourite type of pencils.

"Excuse me" I said politely and they boy looked up at me.

It was him. The last time I saw him was a complete waist of time and I could never go back to the day Matt left.

It was hell.

"Oh umm hey nataly"

"Hi shawn" I said grabbing the pencils and walking away.


" what was that"

"she still hates me"

"Aww babe im sorry"

"its whatever i lost my bestfriend"


this is going to be a long year.


Okay so I hadn't updated in it feels like ages abd I am currently eatibg poutine on my bed and I was all like HEY why not update and I just got flooded with ideas for the next 4 chapters of not only this book but ALL of them so I will probably be updating more drequently like I used too.


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