Chapter 23: "welcome back class of 2016"

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"nataly get up its time for school" mom said annoyed 

" mom five more minutes please" i pleaded

"natalia conseguir su culo hasta ahora" (get your ass up now) my mom said almost yelling 

"Fine but don't expect me to be happy about it" i rolled my eyes pushing my hair out of my face.

" Not likely"  she said walking out of my doorway leaving the door open again. 

"at least close my door" i mumbled lowkey slamming my door. 

" mom said and I quote don't slam doors in my house" angel opening my door again but already she knows how to close it. 

You are probably wondering Yo Nataly why are you being such a bitch. 

Well to answer your question I hate the first day of school every year I see kids at every year make these plans to do better, make better grades, make more friends, be or open. Well I here to tell you it's bull crap no one ever actually goes and succeeds unless your Vicky Pang but that's only because she is only of the few students that actually cares she is a 14 year old junior must be nice eh. She is 3 grades higher and she is barely is a teen and what have accomplished absolutely nothing in my 15 years of being on this earth. 

But hey only 2 more years and I can get out of the hell out of this place.  

I ended up getting snapped out of my thoughts by getting a text.

Isaac : When u come to school talk to Shawn please he misses u and I know you miss him you guys are both stubborn assholes

I just replied with the simple shut the fuck up and I went to my closet.

I didn't really care what I put on as long as it matched so I put my my blue jeans that are to long so I folded up the ends, a white crop top, a blue jean jacket and my white high topped converses. Then I straighten my hair and put on some mascara. Then I did brushed my teeth and got my bag.

And I went downstairs to kiss my family bye and I was out the door.

"Yo Chica" I heard so I stopped and turn around.

"Oh shit sorry" A guy with brown hair and a really good jawline said.

"It's okay" I said and I walked away.

"Wait what's ur name." He said running after me.

"Nattie" I said


"Nice to meet you Ethan you going to *INSERT HIGH SCHOOL NAME* high"

"Yea but we moved to the school" he chuckled.

"I guess....I never see you at school before" I shrugged.

"Yea I considered the quiet ones there but I will be on the football team this year so is my brother but I'm way better than him" he chuckled.

"Cocky Eh?" I smiled.

"Just a little" He smiled and we just continued talking.


As soon as I walked into the school I saw Shawn. We met eyes and I walked pasted him faster to my locker.

"WAIT NATALY CAN WE TALK" he yelled running after me and I started running.

I ran as fast as I can until I bumped into someone 1000% pasted my locker.

"Yo watch out Junior"

" I'm guessing ur a senior"

"Actually no I graduated and came back to help" the person said but before I can say anything Shawn is closer to me so I ran again.

"Can we talk" He said trying to grab me but I kept running until I slipped.


"Nat can we talk please" he said helping me up.

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Yea there is"

"Then talk but this won't change anything"

"Can we go somewhere"

"Just talk Shawn"


"I'm sorry"

"hmm what are you exactly are you sorry for"


"Hmmm like how the fact you lied to me, kissed me, broke up with Jacky then got back together with her after you confessed you liked me still"

" That was in the past can we just forget that never happened please"

" Tell me this do you still like me"

"Natty we can't be together"

"You didn't deny it"

"And I didn't say yes either"

"You know what that's okay Shawn have fun with Jacky " I said and walked away.

"Are we friends" He said grabbing my hand.

"I never said that"

"But you didn't deny it either"

" See you around " I smirked and he let go of my hand too let me walk away.

Damn I love messing with this boy.


There just left my best friend. Damn I hate when she plays with my feelings it makes me want her more.

I keep craving you don't know it but it's true.

"Yo I saw that little smile she gave you are y'all friends again" Isaac smiled hitting my back.

"I don't know"

"What the hell do you mean you don't know" 

"She's plays games"

"Well over the summer you said you liked that"

"I know I still do but I am with Jacky"

"Have fun with that" he chuckled walking away.


"So you and Shawn made up" Jacky said biting her lip as I opened my locker.

"I don't know...why do you care"

"I care about him alot and I don't want you too hurt him again"

" Again ? " I said slamming my locker closed.

"Over the summer we you guys had that argument you ruined him so fix it" she said walking away.

"Little do you know" I mumbled then walked away.


"welcome back class of 2016" we said to ourselves before walking into class.


HELLO SEXY PEOPLE OF THE WORLD IM BACKKKKKKKK !!!!! have you guys seen 13 reasons why ? LET ME JUST SAY IM OBSESSED!!! Jeff deserved better and so did Alex. Bryce and Mr. Porter can rot in hell. What do you think about it and would you mind if I made a book for 13 reasons why ? 📼

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