Chapter 25: Movie Romance

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Shawn Pov

"See ya around"

"Nat please"

"Shawn you and I both know I how I feel about you okay let's just leave it at that"

"But what if I can't" I stuttered grabbing her arm.

"You're gonna have too okay" She said moving my arm walking away from me.

"I've liked you since 5th grade....this isn't over. " I said

"Shawn and what is this...what we have"

"I can show you better than what I can tell" I smiled.

I've been practicing that line with Nash and Hayes well mostly Hayes since as he puts it he has "hoes".

"You're insane and I have to go back in class okay" she said about to walk away.

But I couldn't let her leave this easily not again so me being me I just kissed her.

Nataly POV

He kissed me.

"Shawn" I said pulling away after a lifetime well it felt like it.

"Yea" he said biting his lip.

" Im going to class and we will talk about this later "

"Talk about that kiss ?" He smiled at me.

"We'll just talk later" I said walking away.

What the hell do I do? He just cheated on Jacky even if I wanna fucking smash her skull in I hate what I just did. I just ruined there relationship because I like Shawn. Fuck my life.


"What the hell happened"

"Heather what are you talking about"

"First period you were gone you never came back"

"Oh that umm yea I something came up"

"Anything to do with Shawn" she said wiggling her eyebrows

"Just dropped it okay"

"Nat come on we tell each other everything"

"Just fucking drop it" I said raising my voice.

" Okay Geez"

"Im sorry there's just alot of stuff going on okay I'll fill you in it later but.....OH SHIT THERE COMING ACT NATURAL"

"but you're the only one doing anything" Heather laughed.

"Right" I awkwardly smiled moving my hair out my face.

Then of course "the happy couple" came to our table.

"Missed you in the rest of first period"

"Hmm" I fake smiled.

"What actually happened to you" she said smiling siting next to me pulling Shawn down with her.

"Nothing" I said looking at Shawn and he looked back.

" Are you sure I don't want you to be butt hurt about early" she said fake hugging me.

And I looked at Heather then Shawn and they both shook their head no.

"Im going to get napkins"

"But you have some right here"

"I need more" I explained blankly.

"Ou get me some too"

"I'll get a lot"

"No make a separate trip to get mine" the wicked bitch of Canada said.

"Shawn" I almost yelled

"Babe I'll get them" he said rolling his eyes.

"Thanks" I simply said as he started walking with me.


"Everything" I said biting my lip

"Everything ? Eh would you like to explain those thank you's ?" He smiled.

"Would you like to just take the thank you and not ask questions" I said grabbing napkins.

"Me and you both know that answer" He said grabbing my hand while getting napkins.

"Shawn stop"

"Maybe I don't wanna stop" he whispered in my ear.

"Maybe I do" I whispered back in his ear.

"Nat I love you"

"Shawn this isn't a movie romance we can't just be like this"

"Like what "

"I can't like you as much as I do I can't" I said looking him straight into the eye.

"Maybe I want to be in a movie romance with you" He said kissing my neck.

"Shawn stop getting pointers from Nash and Hayes" I laughed.

"Actually I got this one from my own."

"No you didn't"

"Yes I did"

"It was probably Sammy "

"Fine" he rolled his eyes.

"Go give your bitch of a girlfriend napkins"

"Yea that's a good idea" he said biting his lip walking away.

"Wait Shawn"

"Yea?" He turn around.

"I like you too" I smiled.


What the hell does "good" mean.


Ouiiii look at me updating 4 days apart instead of months apart. I may or may not be on my updating game. Y'all should be proud.

One more thing I currently rewatching Teen Wolf and I never noticed how hot Derek is until now like Stiles and Scott are fine asf and will always be but Derek is fine too. Holy shit !!!

-Diovian 🌈🌟

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