Chapter 26: The Long Game / "I'm free"

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"Yea let just get change and I'll be better tell Isaac not to touch my nachos or I'll kill him this time" I said going upstairs to my room.

"Hey Nat" I heard Shawn.


"Heather I gotta go" I said hanging up the phone.

"Hey Nat" he repeated

"Who the hell let you in my room" I said getting him off my bed.

"Your mom she said she missed me around here and too wait in your room" he smiled

"Okay well I gotta get ready because I'm hanging out with Heather and Isaac later" I said going to the closet.

"I know I got invited I just wanted to stop by you know haven't done it in a while " he half smiled.

"Yea I know it's been a while" I smiled looking at him.

"Yea" he said walking to me.

"Yup" I said starting back around to the closet.

"Can I ask you something"

"Yea as look as you aren't sounding like Sam or Hayes or the something"

"Okay" he chuckled

"Then go for it"

" do you think we have a chance ?"

" like a relationship ?"

"Yea a relationship"

"Yea I do actually but not right now "

"That's fine I'm in it for the long game"

"Long game it is"

(A/N I completely got this from girl meets world I love Josh and Maya together)

"Well you should probably got get ready "



"Bye Shawn"

"It's not like I haven't see you naked before"He said laying on my bed.

"We were 5 and I didn't know white was see through when it gets wet"

"Now I bet you're gonna listen to your mom"

"I didn't wanna show my unicorn bathing suit"

"You didn't even put on the bathing suit" he laughed.

"Shut up and get out my room" I said pulling him off my bed.

"Awe babeee" he pouted about to kiss me.

"Long game remember" I chuckled walking him to my door.

"Short Game ?"

"I like your long game idea better" I said closing the door behind him.


"Seriously Nat just got out with him" Heather rolled her eyes

"Did I push you to go out with Isaac"



"Just pay back"

"Well it worked didn't it y'all together"

"Shut up"

"Im always right I said getting some of her ice-cream."

Fake dating my best friend |S.M| [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now