Chapter 19: Love Sick

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"WAKE UP" I heard while someone jumping on me.

"Get off me" I groaned rubbing my eyes

"But I'm HUNGRYYYYYY" the person whined and knew exactly who it was.

"You sound like Hayes you know that" I chuckled opening my eyes.

"Don't you ever say that again" Matt laughed and I joined in.

"Get off of me fat ass" I said pushing him off of me and he grabbed my arm so I fell too.

"You know...youre fat too" Matt whispered to me and I laughed.

"Shut Up" I said.

"What do you wanna do today before I leave in 2 days" he said still on the floor

"We can go to the Sizzler Fair" I shrugged.


"You know you get off the floor now right"


"Suit yourself...but you know you have to pick out a outfit anyway"

"You're right" he sighed getting off the floor and I chuckled.

"I know"

Then he went to his suitcase and picked put his gray obey sweatshirt khaki pants and his gray vans.

While I just pick out a black crop top, blue shorts, black and white converse, and a red flannel.

"What time is it child" Matt said jumping on my bed.

"Ok you legit turned 16 like 15 days ago"

"im still older"

"Yea by like 2 months"

"It counts"


"So am I going to get the time orrrr" he said dragging out the r.

"Its 11:25 Matt"

"Thank you now back to me being hungry"

"I'll make you some cereal"

"Im in the mood for pancakes"

"You make them then"

"Suddenly I want cereal"

"I thought so"

Then we walked downstairs to my kitchen and I made him and I some fruit loops.


"What do you wanna do before go to the carnival we have like 2 hours before we gotta start getting ready." I asked him walking back upstairs.

"We can go over to Shawn's if you want"

"Okay" I shrugged.

"But first we just put some clothes on"

"Yea we should" I said looking down at our pajamas.

We both put on some joggers, mine were gray and his were black. I had one a black shirt and my black vans. He put on a burgundy van hoodie and some black vans. Then we brushed our teeth and I put my hair in ponytail and Matt left his hair down. Then we went to Shawn's house mext door.

"Hey Mama Mendes" Matt said walking inside.

"Hi Matthew"

"and Nattie"

"Momma Mendes" I laughed

Then Shawn and Jacky came downstairs.

"Hey Nataly" Jacky smiled.

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